Thursday, February 14, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Contol)
When folk fly it's usually because of business or going on your hols. Being in a cigar tube at 39,000 feet for a few hours is not usually regarded as fun time. Going on a cruise? Some things are worth knowing. Ships go on water. Ships are made of metal. Ships sink. When you hear the call "fire in the engine room" you can't just wander off for a burger at the end of the street while the boys with hoses put it out. And if per chance there's a mighty bang and a ripping sound like your best jeans on razor wire, it's usually because Captain Cavalier has been showing off to some rocks. So when the guy you fancied nicks your life jacket and elbows you out of the last life boat; and should you survive your encounter with hypothermia and sharks, don't start whinging to the press, Costa or Carnival. Nobody pointed a bayonet at your ass to buy a ticket!

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