Friday, February 1, 2013


Many U.S. Presidents have tried to circumvent the Constitution and hankered after centralizing power; but the Obama administration is centralizing power at a level unmatched in American history, which carries with it grave consequences for the future liberty and freedom of all Americans, whither politically a Democrat, Republican or Independent. The people, in the form of their respective States and their State legislatures, are in need of learning and relearning the lessons of Jefferson and Madison, taught over 200 years ago. The lesson resides in one word: Just say "No."
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 were a protest against the Alien and Sedition Acts. In these resolutions,Thomas Jefferson and James Madison argued this: "the States have the right to interpret the Constitution and can declare federal laws unconstitutional when the federal government exceeds its delegated powers.”  Be neither a Democrat or Republican sheep, for there is much more at stake regarding America's future; and now is not the time just to be blindly following the leader.
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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