Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Unprincipled Flip-Flopper or Serial Liar?
At his recent confirmation hearings, Hagel reversed himself on nearly every past position he had so staunchly held. On nuclear weapons, gays, Israel...oh and Dunkin' Doughnuts. This current Hagel position is diametrically opposed to positions that Hagel had previously held and committed himself to in past articles.Though the hearings portrayed Hagel as a man who appeared to be dimwitted and buffoonish, Hagel is no buffoon. He is a man who chooses his words carefully. Hagel’s recent plethora of recantations suggests a man weak in principle, ethics and morals. Alternatively, they are indicative of a nefarious, serial liar willing to say or do anything to attain his political or personal objective.
It's said, that we pick people for positions who are are reflections of ourselves...
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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