Friday, February 8, 2013


Dear Dems, Yesterday, I was watching one of your Democratic Senators on committee duty, frothing and quietly fuming about the U.S. Military daring to take out wayward *yanks, similar to the tosser in the photo - by bullet or drone - without asking Senator Sid about it first. What exactly don't you understand about the following, Sid?  A misguided or zealot chap joins the Allahu Akbar brigade; and with his new chums plots to kill Americans and those of other nations. After a hearty sing-song to Ali Baba, he thinks: boy, could I murder a 12" pizza. So he wanders off to get the al-Qaida special, the one at half price with sliced camel topping; but on his way back to the lads, gets his Islamist ass blown away. Who the fuck cares except for some simpleton schmucks like yourself.
*(Anwar al-Awlaki)
Hi. I'm dead. PS:They lied about the 72 virgins...

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