Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The European Union: funds Palestinian Terror TV, thinks Hezbollah are Muslim Boy Scouts
and rolls on it's back every time a Mullah kicks it in the geo area 
where it's bollocks used to be!


Obama’s Middle East: Iranian Arms Flow to Syria Via Iraq. 
Can you believe it? The thick Infidels swallowed that
camel shit about  your arms shipments!
According to a Western intelligence report obtained by Reuters, Iran has been using civilian aircraft flying over Iraqi airspace to ship tons of weapons and military personnel to Syria, aiding Syrian President Bashar Assad. Iraq assured Team Obama that this is not so; and that every plane is checked...BUT ONLY ON THE WAY BACK FROM SYRIA!
Thousands of lives and billions of dollars later, has the West and the U.S. learned any lessons about the devious, Machiavellian fuckers? Of course they haven't! They still believe you can have trusted "allies" with the leaders of Muslim countries, even when all the evidence over the years screams otherwise! (Photo: Copyright Control)


Bulgaria’s Interior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, announced yesterday that Hezbollah was responsible for a bomb blast in July at the Black Sea resort of Burgas, which killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver. But still the lefty limp wrist governments of Europe still hold that that Iran's terror poodle, Hezbollah - with around 20,000 rockets - are just a Muslim Boy Scout Movement. Tsvetanov continued; “We have established that two were members of Hezbollah…There is data showing the financing and connection between Hezbollah and the two suspects.”
The European Union is speeding towards the Swedish model of capitulation to Islam. Sweden, once a country which was a model for free thinking, but with policies driven by the loony Left and liberals, Sweden has just rolled over to the Islamists in their midst and is now the model for every Occupy Appeasement Movement across the EU!
The  Death Cult Crew on parade.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


"but I've only got eye's for yooo"

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi greeted Iran's Genocide Joe aka Ahmadinejad, with a handshake and a kiss on each cheek (no tongues in public) as he stepped off his plane at Cairo airport. But Muslim cleric, Sheik of al-Azhar, rocked Joe's casbah when he warned Joe against interfering with any of the Arab Gulf's Sunni menfolk, and to immediately cease spreading any more Shiite influence about. Joe - a confirmed Shiite - seemed rather put out by the Sheik's shake down. Still, he'll be off by bus in a day or two to pep talk his sponsored terror team at Gaza Central, where he's sure to get lucky! (Photo: Copyright Control)


(Photos: Copyright Control)

AHMADINEJAD A MONKEY, SPARKS OUTRAGE! Being fluent in monkey, I can report that our friends in monkey communities around the world are going you-know-what. Being compared to Genocide Joe is one banana too many!


Unprincipled Flip-Flopper or Serial Liar?
At his recent confirmation hearings, Hagel reversed himself on nearly every past position he had so staunchly held. On nuclear weapons, gays, Israel...oh and Dunkin' Doughnuts. This current Hagel position is diametrically opposed to positions that Hagel had previously held and committed himself to in past articles.Though the hearings portrayed Hagel as a man who appeared to be dimwitted and buffoonish, Hagel is no buffoon. He is a man who chooses his words carefully. Hagel’s recent plethora of recantations suggests a man weak in principle, ethics and morals. Alternatively, they are indicative of a nefarious, serial liar willing to say or do anything to attain his political or personal objective.
It's said, that we pick people for positions who are are reflections of ourselves...
(Photo: Copyright Control)


Obama’s Favorite Islamic University Goes Zombie!

(Illustration: Copyright Control)
There's a book, issued to Egyptian 3rd year high school Muslim students, how they can kill and eat Apostates... as long as they don’t cook them!
In 2009, Obama visited Cairo and in his famous speech praised Al Azhar University as “a beacon of Islamic learning; and for over a century.” Can you imagine the usual anti Israel suspects going madder than a desert camel if this was a book published by a University in Tel Aviv! Do watch the 2 min video of a very sensible Egyptian chap exposing the madness; but only 10 minutes after you've had a generous swig from your big bottle of "Jimmy's Islam Proofing Elixir"