Saturday, February 2, 2013


The newly minted Vice-President of the UN’s Economic and Social Council, 
which regulates human rights, is Sudan.
"When the Arab Janjaweed arrive, they kill ,torture, rape and burn our
village. They take those not killed as slaves"
Sudan: Against which the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has filed genocide charges and issued an arrest warrant for Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.
Sudan: where in Darfur, hundreds of thousands of innocent African civilians have been killed and nearly 2.5 million have been displaced from their homes by the Sudanese Arab Janjaweed Islamists.
Sudan: now regulating Human Rights in the UN.
It's like asking Nazi judges to be in charge of the Nuremberg Trials! And Israel should present themselves for judgement by people such as these? Israel quite rightly told them to piss off.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Many U.S. Presidents have tried to circumvent the Constitution and hankered after centralizing power; but the Obama administration is centralizing power at a level unmatched in American history, which carries with it grave consequences for the future liberty and freedom of all Americans, whither politically a Democrat, Republican or Independent. The people, in the form of their respective States and their State legislatures, are in need of learning and relearning the lessons of Jefferson and Madison, taught over 200 years ago. The lesson resides in one word: Just say "No."
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 were a protest against the Alien and Sedition Acts. In these resolutions,Thomas Jefferson and James Madison argued this: "the States have the right to interpret the Constitution and can declare federal laws unconstitutional when the federal government exceeds its delegated powers.”  Be neither a Democrat or Republican sheep, for there is much more at stake regarding America's future; and now is not the time just to be blindly following the leader.
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Thursday, January 31, 2013


John McCane

McCain's Six Of The Best! 
As I said, Hagel is a light weight liability and he got his ass well and truly whacked by fellow Republican McCain. Team Obama must have been squirming in their expensive pants as their boy left the Head Master's study! 


Given that a court ruled Obama violated the Constitution last year when he bypassed the Senate to fill a trio of vacancies on the National Labor Relations Board, you'd be wrong in thinking that the unanimous decision was an embarrassing setback for the president. We're not yet out of January so there's plenty of time left for shreddin' that thar piece of history!

First Second
(Cartoon: Copyright Control)


Israel Boycotts UN ‘Human Rights Council’ And Here's Why!
There is no reason to expect moral probity from the UNHRC. It's current membership includes human rights paladins like Saudi Arabia, China, Congo, Cuba, and Qatar, with a preponderance of nondemocratic countries. Here's an example of the UNHRC's "findings": Not surprisingly, Syria with a civil war raging and now 60,000 dead, sailed smoothly through its 2011-2012 “periodic review” by the council, with worthies like North Korea “commending” it for its “efforts…to maintain security and stability”. And Iran praising its “efforts…to promote and protect human rights.” Except for political simpletons, the UN long ago became a tool for every odious regime to look legit! Israel quite rightly told them to fuck off.
PS: The Bush administration took the USA OUT of the UNHRC; under Obama the U.S. REJOINED this morally bankrupt Inquisition.
Israel...ISRAEL!?  They sent you a tweet, which Allah
forbids me to repeat.

(Photo: Copyright Control)


Both Iran's terror puppet Hezbollah and Russia condemned Israel a day after the attack on a convoy carrying Russian-made SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles from Syria on their way to Hezbollah terrorist bases along the border with Lebanon. Russia's backsliding into their old totalitarian ways began years ago; and like their Arab and Iranian chums, they haven't one gram of democratic DNA in their political veins. If you think the rivalry of the cold war era ever went away, you're drinking the wrong vodka.
Let us together, destroy Israel and all Infidels!

(Photo: Copyright Control)


US Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel opened his pitch this morning with a shower of the usual flag wrapped cliches which nearly brought up my breakfast: As for his, "the United States should take no options off the table" I guess that also includes the present administration signing on for "surrender monkey" duty; thus allowing Iran's mad mullahs and Genocide Joe to start WW3?
(Iran Politics Club)