Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The Great Pretender's Anti-Israel Message.
After a decade of political ducking and diving, Obama is now free to express his long-held views about Israel and has signaled in the past two months what lies ahead  for whatever Israeli government is elected.
(1) By choosing three senior figures: John Kerry for State, John Brennan for the CIA and Chuck Hagel for Defense; who range from clueless about Israel to hostile toward it. (2) Approving a huge gift of advanced weapons: 20 F-16 fighter jets and 200 M1A1 Abrams tanks to the Islamo-fascist, Muslim Brotherhood government off Egypt.
(3) Ignoring evidence that Cairo is importing Scud missile parts from North Korea.
And this is just for starters. Obama's past history of running around with a who's who of every anti-Israel, radical Left tosser, is the REAL Obama! Only the deluded and ignorant were waving flags about this man having another four years.
(Cartoon: Copyright Control)


(Photo: Copyright Control)

Tzipi Livni, having gone through more parties - Likud to Kadima to Hatnua - than a working gal on a busy Saturday night, she still loves the idea of folk voting for her "sane peace". 
But with WHO Tzipi, with WHO!???


Theodor Herzl to Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, promoted Jewish settlement throughout Palestine, a geographical region formerly under Ottoman rule encompassing all of the territory currently claimed by the Palestinians. Peter Beinart is a leading proponent of a so called “New Zionism,” the central tenet of which demands the creation of a Palestinian state. To convince people that they are “pro-Israel” when, in practice and effect, their platform advances pro-Palestinian positions, the New Zionists have undertaken, systematically, to chip away at the ideological foundations of the Jewish nationalist movement. This is a process of historical revisionism. In their distorted paradigm, the millennia-long Jewish struggle for independence; the repeated subsequent attempts by Arabs, including Palestinians, to annihilate Israel; and ongoing Palestinian rejectionism and terrorism are minimized, if not discounted altogether. May the future belong to Bayit Yehudi, not the sell-outs and apologists of Islam.
Judea, Israel.

(Photo: Copyright Control)

Monday, January 21, 2013


Being jealous won't get you anywhere, Barack baby!

An Arab Network for Human Rights Information reported an explosion of 'insulting the president' lawsuits filed. During Morsi's reign to date, he's clocked up more than all other rulers combined since 1892! (Ahram)
Not too unexpected given what the Muslim Bro Morsi is: an Islamo-fascist thug with a Phd. Oh...and he's Obama's fav Egyptian!


Michelle Obama with Farrakhan.

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great supporter of Israel. The Obama's hug out with Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan: arch anti-semite, banned from the UK, Islamist. 
Go figure it out! (Photo: Copyright Control)


Those cheering the "second coming" today, can't or won't look at the chicken bones. Barack Obama has overseen the installation of Sharia regimes in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, while paying lip service to the importance of distinguishing Jihadists from the few genuine democratic forces in Syria and elsewhere. The Obama administration has offered no criteria for doing this; and now al-Qaeda Jihadists in Algeria have carried out a brazen assault on BP’s natural gas plant in that country, killing at least eighty-one people and demonstrating anew the total falsehood of Barack Obama’s recent claim that in Afghanistan “we achieved our central goal … or have come very close to achieving our central goal, which is to de-capacitate al-Qaeda, to dismantle them, to make sure that they can’t attack us again.” Hm...I can hear the sound of Algerian chickens coming home to roost and the smell of BS in the barn.


(Photo: Copyright Control)

Anti-gun fanatic Michael Moore: The gun violence in ‘Django Unchained’ is hilarious! As it's a fat lefty prat saying it, I guess it must be kosher...but meanwhile, coming out of the cinema after watching the "hilarious" film, an interviewed moviegoer said: ‘Seeing Django reignited my desire to kill white people’. Better stop reaching for that last slice of pizza Moorey, for it could be your white ass he's got in mind!