Friday, December 5, 2014


Technion campus, Israel.
Here’s an almost never-told success story to stuff up the jacksie of the BDS and other "apartheid Israel" tossers: Israeli Arabs, women in particular, have made huge strides over the past decade at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (better known as Israel’s answer to MIT). Among both men and women, Arabs’ share of the Technion student body is now equal to their share of the overall population. (Israel Arabs number around 1.5 million). Yosef Jabareen is an Arab professor of urban planning who spearheads the Technion’s effort to recruit and graduate Arab students. He shared a recently updated report he’s done with an Israeli newspaper and explained what he called “a dramatic change” in outcomes for Arab students. “For me, as an Arab professor, it’s fantastic,” said Jabareen, who earned  his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Technion, completed his education in the U.S. with a master’s from Harvard and a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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