Friday, December 19, 2014


When the Chicago Charlatan, Barry Obama says the above (it's his sort of newbie catch and cover everything phrase) you can be sure that your ass has a hole located as an exit for very similar content. Barry's latest Chamberlain moment is Cuba; home of Murder Inc. a.k.a the Castro Bros. Along with their now dead comrade, Che the Shit, still much admired by tee shirt wearing simpletons who seem oblivious of his part in the Left's Latin death cult. Tens of thousands were (and still are) imprisoned, tortured and killed simply because they disagreed with the radical Left's agenda of doom. The liberal tendency have no problems with Barry's Cuban cop-out; which is merely the test drive for his up and coming biggy: 
The Iranian Nuke Appeasement Show! 
So called progressives can smell right wing dictators like a pack of beagles, but remain mighty selective as to who can whack you into an unmarked grave and it remaining cool with them!
Pointing out they're  friggin' hypocrites is being more than generous to the wankers - Christmas spirit an' all that... 

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