Wednesday, December 24, 2014


The Czech Republic’s Jewish community has expressed anger over the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin to a Czech Holocaust commemoration ceremony next month in Prague that will mark the 70th anniversary of the Red Army’s liberation of Auschwitz. Czech Jewish leaders oppose the invitation because of their opposition to Russia’s actions in neighboring Ukraine. Wrong call. There are plenty of politicos way before Vladimir I'd have on my list; starting with that little porker of North Korea and Blasio the bastard, currently the wrecking ball mayor of NYC. Let's face it, what country hasn't and doesn't protect and justify their actions re national interest stuff? My own dear  nation, Britannia - but the size of a postage stamp- once bit off 25% of the planet; and the Yanks as they became, didn't exactly find empty wigwams on virgin shores. Looking down the telescope from the Ruskie end, I too would not have taken lightly to the potential and very predictable loss of my only and very strategic naval base in the south (Ukraine desperate to sign up to the EU, NATO and all that). Over the past 1000 years, the map of Europe has changed more times than a life time of  your daily sock and underpant routine. To hear nations moralizing about others doing exactly as they have done, is a load of hypocritical tosh!

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