Monday, December 29, 2014


Mr Sever Plonker Plocker, writing in the Israeli press, posed this question: How does Israel repair the rift with Obama?
JuicyJaffa's answer is: Why in the fuck would Israel want to!
Barry, The Great Pretender, for many a year sucked on the teet of the anti-Semitic Rev Wright, while his bird Michelle partied with the Black Nazis a.k.a Farrakhan, the Fuhrer of Nation of Islam turd. Farrakhan is also on a U.K. no-fly list, by the way. What a pair! Talk about being known by the company you keep. 
And with her hubby receiving 70% of the Jewish vote second time around, really should blow off the cliche that Jewish folk are smarter than your average goy.

Barry and his spendthrift, vacation taking bird, are politically dead doo doo. 
With but a short lease left on their White House adventure and the Republicans waiting in the wings, there is no need for Israel to do much more Mr Plocker, than stay well away from behaving like ass kissin' fence menders! 

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