Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I have a dream. That before I leave office, I will have decimated
America militarily. I have a dream. That the forces of Islam will
bring the Caliphate to our shores. I have a dream. That the religion
of peace will bring the wisdom of Allah to all...whither they
like it or not...
Barry Obama. For being the most dangerous U.S. Pres ever. 
Had Obama been around when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the Grand Wazoo would have been making every excuse for the Emperor's winged messengers of death and why he still wouldn't commit the USA to enter WW2. Barry's latest pronouncement re Iran's scum-o'-the-earth regime, would make Chamberlain look like a war mongering hawk. The Ayatollah of Islam's death cult must be wondering: surely there must be a camel trap hidden somewhere? 
Hey. Give me a break. How the fuck should
 I know what's goin' down
Can Barry really be so naive about our nuke plans an' all? Similar thoughts will often have crossed the mullah machiavellian mind set; for surely nobody in Barry's lofty position can be such a push-over- patsy? 
Yep, fortunately for you, Turban of Treachery an' Terror, Barry is the real deal!

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