Sunday, December 21, 2014


There's a god awful stink very similar to dog do do. A study organized at the behest of the Public Utilities Authority (Electricity) of Israel's Tamar natural gas field, has confirmed that it's findings would make a Tony Soprano contract virtuous . Briefly, here's the outragious deal the suits have stitched the Israeli public up to: 
(1) the price of natural gas sold by the consortium, is linked to an energy price index, without ANY  regard to market conditions. In other words, the contracts lock Israeli buyers into artificially high and perennially rising prices for Tamar gas, even though buyers could get cheaper gas elsewhere!
(2) In addition, the contracts set a minimum price for gas,  independent of market conditions. But - get this - there is no maximum price, as is customary in contracts of this kind. 
(If you're an Israeli consumer of gas, are you reaching for your gun yet?)
So, instead of making energy cheaper for the Israeli consumer,- like all the hoo-ha said - the Tamar contracts will have the opposite effect, making electricity one of the biggest expenses in the Israeli economy! 
Those who agreed to this so called contract on the Israeli side of the desk should be parachuted into Gaza City with a sign stapled on their asses reading, "we crapped on Mohammed's tomb". 
But first, check out where the fuckers have stashed their alleged kick-backs...
Check list: money, passport, SwissAir one way ticket...

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