Wednesday, March 25, 2015


BBC Director-General Lord Hall - without as much as a smirk or snigger - has admitted that reporting on the Israel-Palestine conflict is “tough,” but insists the corporation aims to be balanced in its coverage.
They are as balanced and as near the truth as Barry Obama speech! Close Auntie down ASAP!
You're telling porky-pies again...


Come to Papa, Barack my boy...
Obama is one treacherous man who's now free to show his real feelings as he sticks the knife into Israel's back. American Jewish folk who voted for the deciple of arch anti-Semite Rev. Wright, should be doing the long walk of shame. They were well warned what a cuckoo in the Dems nest Obama was before the 2008 election; but with that Democrat DNA flowing in their veins they'd have voted for a donkey called Hamas if they'd been on the ticket! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


My position on the death penalty? Yes, for proven acts of terrorism, child killers, gang rape, cop killers and serial killers. 
Are innocent folk sentenced to death? Yes, and this is a sad fact. But I'd support the death penalty for the categories above, only for those who have been sentenced with multiple evidence sources verified against them, which has brought a jury to the verdict of their undoubted guilt. The guilty should then receive whatever the state law has on it's books for the above crimes. In Utah, currently they have a dilemma in the death department. It's rather bad form that the injection elixir is in such short supply (it comes from the EU) but the limp-wrist liberals of Europe are withholding. Death makes them a ta squeamish, unless it's their own that is. So what other ways to depart the very guilty in the categories that I'd support? Bullets and a squad of keen lads has it's draw backs; each one not knowing if they had that blank. As for Islam's Koranics favorite, throat or head chop? Much too messy; and then there's the clean-up expenses to considered.  Nope, there's little to beat the hemp neck-tie routine; quick drop from a good stout bough. Yeah it's old, but it sure is tried and tested; with the added advantage that Eurostan has bugger all say in the matter. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


Britain has evacuated its last special forces from Yemen because of the deteriorating security situation; i.e. an all out civil war is about to erupt. Likewise, the U.S. has slung it's hook. Hey, wait one dam mo there, partner. Barry Obama said just a little while ago - in that pleased-as-punch, narcissist way of his - that due to his amazing foreign policy Al Qaeda was on the run and Yemen - that Arab piss-pot of a country - was a blazing success! Now it's just the blazing bit. How many more months of The Great Pretender has one to endure? 
Ma speeches were so friggin' brill!


Famed U.S. defence attorney and retired Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz - who backed Barack Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 elections - ripped the President in an address to a conference in Los Angeles on Saturday evening. Referring to the Iran "negotiations", the highly regarded professor stated, “I wouldn’t hire this administration to negotiate a one-month lease for me.” 
All very fine prof; but the question is, why the did it take you so long to figure the faker out? 
Yep. Even moi was an Obama Zombie!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Every U.S. president has tried in various ways to body swerve Congress and the Senate on major domestic policy disagreements; but Ayatollah Iran - nuke wannabes and number one global terror sponsor - hardly fall into the category of one more domestic tiff on the Hill. Mr Obama has made known his intentions to bypass the Senate, but here's the thing. Any deal reached with Iran would technically be an “executive agreement” with a foreign government, rather than a treaty; which under the Constitution, requires approval by two-thirds of the Senate. Therefore, it would be a non-binding agreement which would not supersede existing U.S. laws. Iran wouldn’t be legally bound to adhere to it nor would the United States or its allies be legally compelled to do anything about violations.
Congress has passed numerous economic sanctions against Iran. Since these sanctions will not be lifted by this Congress, Iran would have an excuse to void the agreement. President Obama can grant waivers of sanctions under certain circumstances but he can’t ignore them, not without violating the Constitution. 
For ten years, Iran has blatantly lied about it's intention, been caught lying to the U.N. nuclear inspectors and everyone else on the planet. Iran can be trusted to the same extent as having three black widow spiders down yer undies and expecting to be alive 24 hours later.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Israeli company NewCO2Fuels is working on a cost-effective, CO2-based fuel substitute to power the clean transportation of the future and give hope to the ongoing fight against global warming. NewCO2Fuels, founded in 2011, commercializes a technology conceived by Prof. Jacob Karni’s laboratory at the Weizmann Institute of Science. One proof that these extraordinary technologies are being taken seriously, is that BIRD Energy, the joint fund of the US Department of Energy and Israel’s Ministry of National Infrastructure, recently invested $4 million in five joint American-Israeli projects in the clean energy sector, including NewCO2Fuels. (via me at:
About bloody time, if you ask me!