Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Enough already about so called ceasefires! And we all know why Obama & Co want one so desperately. And it's not just because they've just signed a $11 billion dollar arms deal with the Hamas bankers aka Qatar; what cheeky bastards they are! Israel's ally? As long as this slim bag regime is in Washington expect nothing but Islamist friendly fare. Finishing Hamas is the only way Jihad friendly Arabs and others watching, like rockets-R-Us Iran, will get the message; for it's the only message they ever understand.


A Hamas official claims it rejected the Egyptian deal to avoid recognizing Israel. But it seems the bastard satanic mutants have no bother recognizing Tel Aviv etc as civilian targets! Bibi has so far done well in telling the current U.S. Islamist friendly goons, to go shred their let's-save-Hamas-ceasefires. And should Obama get his pencil box out, Bibi should take the same notice as Assad, regarding any silly red lines that The Great Pretender draws.


Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of one of Hamas’s founders, reveals the truth about how the terror group aims to kill civilians and uses Palestinian children as human shield, and that's just for starters. Read what you won't get from the liberal media's tripe factory. I'd send a copy to Kerry but he and his boss are beyond redemption, so a polite note will just have to do: Fuck 'em both!


The Hamas-ites rally, like Nurembergers before them, hearing and cheering the calls for the destruction of Israel, never ever get it. And when their houses are flattened because they had rockets not radish in their pantry, they wah-wah away. If my hero Bomber Harris (circa 1942-45) were in charge, he'd have finished the Gaza Gang off in 48 hours and been off down the Duck and Goose for a pint of warm, mild English bitter. They should consider themselves fortunate that carpet shampooing is out of fashion.
(Images: Copyright Control)


Silence of the lambs, well to be precise, Arab ones. The usual flag burning Hamas groupies of Arabia are rather quite enjoying their favorite nightly Gaza soap. Meanwhile, most Westy media and street garbage are showing solidarity with the KKK, radical Left and neo-Nazis, as they drive their digital camels on the fast track to Islamification. It's also rather amusing that the Lefty Sisterhood - who get their knickers in more twists than an Agatha Christi novel - seem oblivious to the world that would await them, should Islam's finest ever get the chance to bang on a burka and rearrange their collection of buttons...
Oh yeah? Wait til Islam's medical department come calling.


'It’s as if he isn’t the foreign minister of the world’s most powerful nation, but an alien, who just disembarked his spaceship in the Mideast.' Haarets.
If even the Israeli leftie rag can waken from their tooth fairy trance, who might be next?
Hi. I'm John. Now I'm not the new boy, and yeah I've a
few nuts an' bolts loose,
but I still know a bagel from a burka.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


The army of ISIS has lost no time in implementing Sharia Law over 4 million woman and girls: genital mutilation.  The UN's Jacqueline Badcock told reporters in Geneva by video-link from Irbil. "This is something very new for Iraq, particularly in this area, and is of grave concern and does need to be addressed," she said. 
Well Ms Badcock, if your name and very scary UN statement doesn't have Islam's heroes banging their privates between two Korans in repentance, I don't know what would. But where's the sound of outrage from the world of Lefty Sisterhood? As if. Meanwhile, Obama is looking at all options...then he picked fundraising. The guy's a twat.