Sunday, July 26, 2015


In 2007, zillions of the Apple faithful stood in line for a week on 5th Avenue NYC looking like lost Scientology students, as they awaited their turn to buy the "Jesus Phone."  But the Apple Watch's arrival in the manger has hardly been the second coming. Who really wants something as expensive as a penny black postage stamp on their wrist? Many young Apple-ites have a similar mentality to cult joiners; and when, as predicted, all the satellites fail through our litter lout behavior in space, they'll be plenty of work to be had for the head sorting community. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015


A study in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases links the Klebsiella pneumoniae pathogen to retail meat products for the first time. This bacteria can cause pneumonia when inhaled, and can cause urinary tract infections and infections in the lower biliary trace and in wounds. In the 2012 study, turkey, chicken, and pork meats were sampled from nine major grocery stores in Flagstaff, Arizona where clinical samples from sick people were screened for this bacteria. Ten percent of the 1,728 positive human samples and 47% of the 508 retail meat samples yielded the bacteria. Many of the strains were resistant to antibiotics. It's official; now you can stop blaming the booze!
Chicken, shmicken? We ladies know it's the demon drink

Friday, July 24, 2015


Remote-controlled car hacking has arrived — and with it, an important opportunity for Argus, an Israeli cyber-security start-up that currently has the world’s only effective system to detect and prevent the kind of attack demonstrated on Tuesday, when a pair of hackers took control of a Jeep Cherokee driving in St. Louis. “Argus’ mission is to promote car connectivity without compromising on security,” said Tom Bar Av, a spokesperson for the company. “In the Jeep case, as well as in other hacking attempts that have been demonstrated over the past year, our solutions could have played a pivotal role in successfully preventing such attacks from affecting a vehicle’s systems.” As my old van has manual only windows and electrics that wouldn't be out of place in the Stone Age, I've no worries. But there's something else to concern us all even more; for according to boffins, in around 20/30 years, unless we find a solution to this coming dooms-day, there will be no satellites! Even at present, there are millions of bits of killer space junk orbiting - and a piece only 2 mm in size can cripple a multi-million dollar satellite. 
So don't throw yer old maps away and buy a truckers' Charlie10-4 CB radio; because if you're still walking the earth, you'll bloody well need one!
A said double fries, hold the mayo.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


While Clown Kerry - the second most gullible simpleton on the planet, just one step behind his boss Barry - have been selling us out at the Ayatollah Mall, the Mullah Men have been injecting a large dollop of honesty into the pitta dip. Still they cry "death to America" with Israel very much on the menu of doom. At least the nuke-will-be-folk are honest about wanting us all dead; while our sell out politicians in tandem with the Greedy-Fucks-R-Us multinationals are only too willing to aid and abet the end of our top dog tenure on earth. George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" coming just a wee bit sooner than moi expected...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Folk who still think this is a reasonable and balanced  deal, I'd like to draw attention to a couple of rather neglected points which most media seems to have little or no interest in. The Deal explicitly states: that the United States and the other P5+1 powers can help Iran deflect and even “respond” to sabotage and threats to its nuclear sites and even to stage a counter-attack on the source of the threat."  This is stated in Annex III of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). It's on page 142: Annex III: Civil Nuclear Cooperation, Section D 10.  "Co-operation" also includes "training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems". As Israel is assumed to have been behind the Stuxnet cyber attacks on Iran’s centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear facility in 2010, which set back the Iranian nuclear weapons program, this agreement provides for assistance from the United States and the other P5+1 countries to thwart “sabotage” on Iran’s nuclear sites.
Put bluntly, if Israel should attempt to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities - in similar vein to the Iraq and Syrian pre-emptive strikes - thanks to this deal, Israel could find itself being in a direct military confrontation with the United States. I guess this is what Obama meant by having Israel's back!

Saturday, July 18, 2015


"American investigators will not be part of the International Atomic Energy Agency team inspecting Iranian nuclear sites." So said Barry's hand made rice pudding at the U.N. a.k.a. the National Security Adviser Susan Rice, who was served up before coffee and biscuits by CNN. It turns out that the IAEA will be stuffed full of Iran's chums who already have diplomatic relations with Mullah-Vile. This news should make you sleep easier. 
Making a "deal" with folk who want you dead en-mass could only have been hatched in the minds of the extremely lobotomized. 
There, it didn't hurt a bit Mr Kerry.
 Thank you for negotiating our demise with
that nuke wannabe death cult.

Friday, July 17, 2015


Can the U.S. stop believing that they are as competent as their macho Hollywood productions? Shambolic. Inc is more the reality. The Chattanooga jihad mass murderer Muhammad Abdulazeez’s father, Youssuf Abdullazeez, was appointed as a “special policeman” for Chattanooga’s Department of Public Works in March 2005. And yet the NY Times is reporting that his father was under investigation years ago as part of a foreign terrorist organization. When it comes to jihad, the Dept of Confused & Clueless a.k.a the U.S. law enforcement bosses are at a major disadvantage. Why so? Well, years back, Obama ordered the prohibition on anything jihad and Islam from counter-terror programs; and therefore the Barry revised training manuals are only good for traffic offences. Keeping the ass of the U.S. public safe is not an Obama priority; white washing Islam's death cult is. 
Yeah, I had the FBI manual updated.