Monday, July 13, 2015


So who's going to tell that Nobel gong idiot, Al Gore?
Geothermal heating from within the Earth's core beneath the much-studied West Antarctic Ice Sheet has been measured for the first time ever, and been found to be "surprisingly high". So it's not so much of the warming of air and sea by us then? That's not what the global warming simpletons want to hear. And to give 'em a double whammy, all around the rest of Antarctica the extent of sea ice has been growing not shrinking; such that there is nowadays much more Antarctic sea ice than there used to be - a circumstance which climate scientists admit 'has them stumped.' Stumped, eh? Perhaps they should ask an a astronomer friend why. For the global warming brigade seem to know zilch of planet earths wobble and it's changing elliptical orbit around the sun. Along with our Galaxy taking 200 million years to complete it's cycle - all of which contribute to the wax and wain of ice sheets over periods of tens of thoundands of years.  One of the biggest scams currently being perpetrated by the super computer lead meteorologists fraternity, is the degree of  human contribution to climate change; a political lead trillion dollar cost to world governments who can't tell a zebra from a xylophone.  Obviously, neither government mugs nor meteorologists have ever heard of the phrase: Crap in, Crap out.


John C. Bogle: Even as a boy, not a fan of
the whinging entitlement brigade.
Billionaire John C. Bogle was the founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group and creator of the Index Fund. He was born in 1929 at the start of the Great Depression and started delivering newspapers at the age of nine. In his interview in Money Master the Game, he is quoted as telling his children, “Sometimes I wish that you would have grown up with all the advantages I had.” To which they ask, “Don’t you mean disadvantages?” “No kid, I don’t. I mean advantages. Getting along in the world, working your way through it all.”
Not that the current Castro Bros sycophant a.k.a. the mayor of NYC, would subscribe to this philosophy. Indeed, if you want you're city or town to look like a bankrupt doss house, vote in some clone of the Jerry Brown  Bill de Blasio variety. And if you want the terror incubator mosques to have a free hand, then the scrapper of the NYC counter-terrorism unit - that would be Bonkers Bill - would most definitely be your guy!
The Wreckin' Crew is still at Number 1, folks!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Like my  flower? Skin cancer? Never heard of it.
Does it hurt a little bit? 
Dermatologists, cancer experts and other clinicians have raised concerns about a new trend being adopted by some sunbathers. It is known as sunburn art, which has gone viral among the internet's Eloi community. How we ever found a cave to sleep in never mind managing to plod through tens of thousands of years without becoming latter day Dinos, remains a bloody mystery. If in 500 years time our species is still top dog on planet earth, then we must have been genetically modified.

Friday, July 10, 2015


Millions of peace loving Shiite Iranians took part;  protesting in "cities across the country"  to mark International Quds (Jerusalem) Day, Iran's Fars news agency reported. This year, to give things a bit more spice and variety, apart from their usual party piece of burned Israeli and American flags, they included those of the Saudis and Brits in their festivities. Nope. Can't see any problem in allowing 'death-to-America' folks a few nukes. Certainly the Illinois Illusionist doesn't, so everything's hunky-dory. What a lying, treacherous bastard Barry is!
Well? You voted for "Change".

Thursday, July 9, 2015


'Boycotts are the noblest forms of resistance'.
So spouts the Gulf states news sheet; ignoring of course that they are global terror sponsoring hypocrites. That they're pointing their camel whip at Israel is a given; but as it's in the madras's of 7th century thinking which is responsible for unleashing Islam's warped virus of death-to-the-infidel around the world, isn't it rich in irony that these goat herders bang on about "boycotts"? Over the past 60 years, the only two things the Arabs have exported in any quantity is oodles of oil and terror. If you never had any reason to Go Green before, perhaps you've got one now.
Once I had an oil well, a wife or two,
Now brother can you spare a goat.
(Apologies to lyric writer E. Y. "Yip" Harburg and composer Jay Gorney)


A quick coffee and pee then it's off on a 300 mile blast
One of last year’s viral tech videos was of the Israeli company StoreDot, showing off it's phenomenal technology; charging a Samsung smartphone in just 30 seconds! Now the very same Israeli startup is racing to develop a brand new, ultra-fast charger for electric cars. StoreDot made international headlines when it initially announced its smartphone battery solution in 2012. The company developed its patented organic battery compound that charges five times more efficiently than regular electrolyte-powered battery. StoreDot’s solution is based on nano-technology, or “nano-tubes,” which can store and emit a large amount of energy in one go. While StoreDot is on track to implement its smartphone technology in several models by the end of 2016, its development team is also racing to present a technology that can recharge electric cars (such as Tesla vehicles) in a mere five minutes. In that supersonic time frame, StoreDot says cars will be ready for a 300-mile drive.


As Islamo-fascist Iran and the world powers shuffle toward a nuke surrender deal, one major sponsor of terror, Saudi Arabia - just an inch behind the Men of Mullah-Vile with Qatar a close 3rd - are facing drastic geopolitical shifts. Analysts say lifting sanctions on the Ayatollah's regime could greatly increase competition for oil sales. Imagine that, folks; competition in the oil biz! The biggest price fixing cartel ever are OPEC (the price fixin' Airlines used them as their model to screw us). Over the past year, the Saudis - Yanks still think they're an ally - were pumping 24/7, flooded the oil market, thus fucking the U.S. frackers. Indeed, many had to close their operations down with some nearly bankrupt. But why all that frantic, loss making Saudi pumping? Well, the Gulfies can't allow an energy independent U.S.of A. Meanwhile, back at the bagel free zone, Kerry and other useful idiots are being sliced like salami by Allah's cunning crew. Y'all have a nice day, now.