Monday, April 6, 2015


With nearly 4000 new Israeli patents, here's just a taste of what's coming soon to a pharmacy near you in the field of meds.
Israeli biotech SynVaccine is developing safe synthetic vaccines from the recipient’s own tissue cells, which the body’s immune system can easily recognize and build protection.  In addition, SynVaccine’s computer-engineered vaccines cannot release the original virus. Treatment to stop pain.  Israel’s Teva has begun a Phase 2b trial of TV-45070 in patients with post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN).  TV-45070 inhibits the sodium channels expressed in the pain-sensing peripheral nervous system and can treat patients with various pain indications, including neuropathic and osteo-arthritis pain.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


(Reuters) - A new Israeli air defense system being developed in partnership with the United States has passed advanced tests, the Israeli Defense Ministry said on Wednesday, putting it on course for possible deployment by next year. David's Sling is designed to shoot down rockets with ranges of between 100 km and 200 km (63 miles and 125 miles), aircraft or low-flying cruise missiles. It will thus fill the operational gap between Israel's Iron Dome short-range rocket interceptor and the Arrow ballistic missile interceptor, both already active.


Well past talk-time with Iran's Death Cult suits. The only thing to stop the Ayatollah and his degenerate, apocalyptic band of psychos is to use as many bunker-busters as it takes to end their nuke dreams forever.


Come on up an' kick some Jew and front bum, bigot!
Trevor Noah, the newly announced host of "The Daily Show," a.k.a the Joe Goebbels Lives Show - rejected the backlash over his graphic tweets targeting Jews and women as an unfair reflection of him and his comedy. "To reduce my views to a handful of jokes that didn't land is not a true reflection of my character, nor my evolution as a comedian," Noah whinged on his Twitter account. Comedy Central - the liberal/lefty/undergraduate teet-suck - came to the wah-wah-ers defense, calling Noah a "provocative" comedian who "spares no one, himself included." Oh, yeah? Do spare us the crap. The South African goy-boy was picked for being a lefty. Stewart the Obama sycophant and self-hater, ass licked and Israel kicked at every opportunity. Ditto will be this imported twat!


Hamas' political leader Khaled Meshaal - who's made $2.4 billion out of running Terror Inc from a  five star Gulf hotel - has said that there will be no peace as a result of Israel's elections. Given that the Islamo-fascist Hamas' mission statement is to destroy Israel, we can take his "no peace" as a given. 
Why am I seldom in Gaza? Are you friggin' crazy, or what!

Sunday, March 29, 2015


An ad in the New York Times (image left) placed there by a rabbi, implores Obama to be like Churchill and not to do a Chamberlain regarding the Iran nuke sell out er,"negotiations". The only thing Barry Obama has ever had in common with the late, great WW2 leader of Britain, is that they both stand up to pee.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


You think I look like the kind of gal
who'd take $ millions for my Foundation
from  mysoginist Gulf  Arab regimes, and tell you
porky-pies about my emails?
Hillary R Clinton a.k.a. the Bitch of Benghazi wiped her e-mail server "clean," permanently deleting all e-mails from it, the Republican chairman of a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said Friday. Rep. Trey Gowdy - not a man to trifle with- said the former secretary of state has failed to produce a single new document in recent weeks and has refused to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review, as Gowdy has requested. Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, said Gowdy was looking in the wrong place. So where does Mr Kendall suggest; in her pantaloons? As to wiping her server clean; unless you smash it to pieces with a hammer, clever geek types in forensics can still find any naughty little secrets. Just hand it over!