Thursday, March 19, 2015


Consider Israel stuffed as a done deal,
my good Palestinian friend.
It took about 24 hours after Binyamin Netanyahu's sweeping victory on Tuesday, for the Islam friendly and very petulant Barry Obama and his regime of White House lackeys to issued new threats against Israel, by signaling it might not stand in the way of Palestinian action at the United Nations. Once upon a time, every U.S. administration could be relied on as an ally and supporter of Israel; rather isolated at the U.N. among the light blue seats of those representing totalitarians, Islamo-fascists and other major human rights abusers.  Anyone in 2008 who spent 30 minutes in researching Obama and his odious friends and associates, shouldn't have put their Jewish vote against this creeps name. You 70% not only got it so wrong in '08, but actually doubled down on that crass stupidity in 2012. Still think Barry the Faker is really OK? Then please proceed pronto to the nearest lobotomy clinic. (
We love Barry-O and Co.


It is clear that Barry Obama's takeover of the Internet was written in large part by comrades and radical Marxist-leaning organizations; and it has also come to light that radical socialist-leaning organizations funded by billionaire Socialist George Soros and others, have spent approximately a whopping 200 MILLION DOLLARS ($200,000,000.00) to make Obama's tyrannical and dictatorial takeover of the Internet a reality. It was only a matter of time before the Forces of Darkness took the next logical step. Barry Obama is as much a supporter of the freedom of choice and democratic process  as Genghis Khan was peacenik. The Ilinois Illusionist is one, very dangerous dude! (via me @


The Arab media - as predictable as two dogs ass sniffing - have slammed the re-election of Israeli PM Bibi; although they did, without any irony, congratulate the Arab party. That most Arab countries are one party states or Sheikdoms, located mentality wise between the 7th and 18th century, they have a bloody cheek saying anything about the only democracy in the middle east having an open election for all of voting age. When, if ever, Islam's blinkers fall off, then they might just become eligible to join the 21st century world. (via me @

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Has the old grand mufti and
 church demo advocate,  
just had a self induced wet one?
Saudi Arabia’s top 7th century Muslim cleric, grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, called on Tuesday for the destruction of all churches in the Arabian Peninsula after legislators in the Gulf state of Kuwait moved to pass laws banning the construction of religious sites associated with Christianity. Speaking to a delegation in Kuwait, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, who serves as the said the destruction of churches was absolutely necessary and is required by Islamic law, Arabic media reported. Abdullah, who is considered to be the highest official of religious law in the Sunni Muslim kingdom, also serves as the head of the Supreme Council of Ulema (Islamic scholars) and of the Standing Committee for Scientific for fuck knows what.  Ah, the religion of peace and tolerance once again showing exactly what a bunch of goat herdin' pagans they really are. How about a bit of tit-for-tat. For every church Islam's finest have burned down and demolished across the Muslim world in the last ten years, we in the west do ditto to their mosques? This is not a serious proposal for any of you literalistic folk out there; for someone has to be the grown-ups, as Crew Islam is most certainly incapable of being so.


There is nothing better to wake in the morning and know that Obama's camel milk will have turned in the night. Bibi, with a 30 to 24 seat advantage over Israel's home grown surrender monkeys, Barry will be as happy as a man with every tooth pulled in one session without Novocaine. 
Yep. A gallon of gas...
One of his old bag men, David Axelrod (photo left) on hearing the result from Tel Aviv, sounded like an arsonist explaining to the fire chief that his neighbor's house must have been torched by a cat with self combustion issues.
The Democrats continually believe that they are keepers of the moral flame; whereas this particular administration make the Mafia look like an organisation of virtue and honor. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Some size of insect, eh?
Exactly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein formulated his theory of relativity, which has had a major effect on the way scientists see the universe. Now, researchers at Hebrew University, the Open University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of Montpellier in France, have presented the “grand old man of physics” with a birthday present – a confirmation that his theory is correct, with proof 7 billion years in the making. The scientists said the results of the team’s experiment, published Monday in the journal Nature Physics, could be a step toward resolving one of the 20th century’s greatest dilemmas – the apparent contradictions between relativity theory and the other great pillar of modern physics, quantum mechanics.
Well, now that's half sorted, here's something less deep to consider when you're in the shower and are banned from singing; like what side of the bed you sleep, and why? 


The controversial so called New Israel Fund and its social change and political lobbying organisation known as SHATIL, have received more than $1 million from the State Department under a program designed to create political change. Not content with trying to stuff Israel with their meddling, in a recently published US Intelligence report, Iran and it's terrorist proxy Hezbollah were removed  in February by the U.S. from a terror threat list. That Iran's proxy Hezbollah was totally implicated behind the bombing of a Jewish Center in Argentina in which 87+ people were killed; and Iran is known by every Western Intel agency as major terror sponsor around the globe, this seems to matter little to the present administration. Of course, it's all a mere coincidence that Iran and it's Islamo-fascist off-spring were removed from the U.S. list, thus making it a tad easier for the present day Chamberlain appeasers to smooth the path to cutting a nuke deal with Iran. Yep, it's CHANGE; but perhaps not quite what some Democrats or liberal Jewish voters expected!