Wednesday, March 18, 2015


There is nothing better to wake in the morning and know that Obama's camel milk will have turned in the night. Bibi, with a 30 to 24 seat advantage over Israel's home grown surrender monkeys, Barry will be as happy as a man with every tooth pulled in one session without Novocaine. 
Yep. A gallon of gas...
One of his old bag men, David Axelrod (photo left) on hearing the result from Tel Aviv, sounded like an arsonist explaining to the fire chief that his neighbor's house must have been torched by a cat with self combustion issues.
The Democrats continually believe that they are keepers of the moral flame; whereas this particular administration make the Mafia look like an organisation of virtue and honor. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Some size of insect, eh?
Exactly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein formulated his theory of relativity, which has had a major effect on the way scientists see the universe. Now, researchers at Hebrew University, the Open University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of Montpellier in France, have presented the “grand old man of physics” with a birthday present – a confirmation that his theory is correct, with proof 7 billion years in the making. The scientists said the results of the team’s experiment, published Monday in the journal Nature Physics, could be a step toward resolving one of the 20th century’s greatest dilemmas – the apparent contradictions between relativity theory and the other great pillar of modern physics, quantum mechanics.
Well, now that's half sorted, here's something less deep to consider when you're in the shower and are banned from singing; like what side of the bed you sleep, and why? 


The controversial so called New Israel Fund and its social change and political lobbying organisation known as SHATIL, have received more than $1 million from the State Department under a program designed to create political change. Not content with trying to stuff Israel with their meddling, in a recently published US Intelligence report, Iran and it's terrorist proxy Hezbollah were removed  in February by the U.S. from a terror threat list. That Iran's proxy Hezbollah was totally implicated behind the bombing of a Jewish Center in Argentina in which 87+ people were killed; and Iran is known by every Western Intel agency as major terror sponsor around the globe, this seems to matter little to the present administration. Of course, it's all a mere coincidence that Iran and it's Islamo-fascist off-spring were removed from the U.S. list, thus making it a tad easier for the present day Chamberlain appeasers to smooth the path to cutting a nuke deal with Iran. Yep, it's CHANGE; but perhaps not quite what some Democrats or liberal Jewish voters expected!  


Next thing you'll be wanting to leave the house
without a minder, learn to
drive and have a idea of your own!
Gulf News reported that a woman in Saudi Arabia has been asked to pay a fine of $5300 and sentenced to 70 lashes by a court of law for insulting and defaming a man on messaging application WhatsApp. A source at the criminal court in Al Qatif in Eastern Saudi Arabia said that the ruling was announced after the court found the 32-year-old woman guilty of damaging the reputation of the complainant on Whatsapp
Par for the course for Islam's misogynists paradise. It's interesting that BDS and other sewer dwellers are highly selective as to what Israeli inventions they choose to boycott. All BDS type retards are such a tribe of major hypocrites! Meanwhile, back in court: I'd have thought another hundred lashes would be in order your Cleric-ship, for one of your 3rd class citizens daring to use an app developed by the dreaded, Zionist infidel. Saudi Arabia. What a fucking country!


A former jihadi who fought for Islamic State in Syria and Iraq has revealed that he left the depraved terror group after being ordered to execute his friends and take part in the rape of Yazidi sex slaves. Total crap! As if this Islamist tosser didn't know what Islam's 7th century psychos were. Same goes for the three much publicised Islamist tarts from the UK who are now reported to be in Syria. Anyone who goes to support Islam's most degenerate knows exactly what they are! Oh, and I'm still waiting for the streets to be full around the world of "moderate" Muslims and the Israel haters, banging their bongos as they shout out, "Not In Our Name"! The sound of Hell freezing over won't be heard any time soon.
Caliphate Mark 2

Monday, March 16, 2015


The so called New Israel Fund is a scurrilous organisation and as supportive of Israel as Fatah's Abbas. Standing alongside the liberal American Jewish donors who fund the NIF is a fund under Palestinian control - the Secretariat, founded by the NDC - and headquartered in Ramallah.  
NIF organizations, including Breaking the Silence and B’Tselem received special funding from the Secretariat in order to investigate so called violations of human rights by Israelis (although they are totally disinterested in the criminal behavior of Hamas) during Operation Protective Edge, 2014. Adalah, another NIF funded organization created a report on Operation Protective Edge and sent the report’s findings directly to the United Nations commission  - and we all know who controls this biased, odious crew! One cannot be pro-Israel and cooperate with the United Nations; which is as bent as a Uri Geller spoon and a malignant, malinger of Israel. The Secretariat also funds Palestinian organizations that support the prosecution of IDF officers, as well as other organizations that cooperate with the likes of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. These are the financial partners of the New Israel Fund; a lost tribe of liberal, self hating, sanctimonious American Jews. A kapo mentality masquerading as supporters of Israel.
Pre the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, Jews who were major fraternisers with the enemy and much too cosy with the British Mandate were taken into the Judean desert for a one way meeting with a bullet; dispatched by some of those who would become the Mossad and Shin Bet. Protecting the interests of the Jewish State is their business, and they have never been sqeamish about what it takes to do so. About time the Judean tradition was revived once more. 
Has it ever gone away? A certain Robert Maxwell a.k.a Capt Bob (photo left) even with all his previous excellent work for the cause, it's alleged that Bob got too big for his sea boots. He died around 5th November 1991, aged 68. "Fell off his yacht", it's said, when his body was found in the sea around the Canary Isles. Maxwell was eventually buried in Jerusalem as a hero, which until he had allegedly blotted his copy book big time, he had undoubtedly been.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


The Times of Israel reports that IQP, an Israeli start-up that lets users create apps without any programming knowledge, has teamed up with three Japanese giants Fujitsu, NEC Engineering and KDDI to develop applications for the Internet of Things. The IQP graphical user interface-based platform will allow developers to build apps for a plethora of Internet-connected devices, from refrigerators to washing machines to cars. The apps are built using drag-and-drop actions, and can be easily added to devices to record and upload information about use and customer needs. According to a Gartner report on the growth of the Internet of Things, by 2020 there will be 26 billion objects connected to the Internet, excluding PCs, tablets and smartphones. Due to the typically large investment of both time and money involved in developing and commercializing IoT applications, American and international companies still find it difficult to develop profitable business models around IoT.