Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Hands up those who know the average number of coalition air strikes against Islam's IS psychos? The answer is twelve a day. Yep, just 12 a-fucking-day! That'll really "degrade and then eventually destroy them"  Barry!  With Obama saying all the things he won't do, the throat and burn brigade of IS must be thinking: 
(A) Barry must have a cunning military plan and it won't be good news for us when he launches it; or (B) Obama's just a friggin' clueless whoosh who toked too much in his youth. I vote the latter. 
Anyway, if it were a burger franchise, Islamic State have only a couple of sharia outlets, with hot PR. But the real player - Al Qaeda - are still by far the Big Mac of terror and death. They have hundreds of well greased drive-ins across the globe, ready and waiting. Run like a multinational, endlessly funded by two of our "allies" in the Gulf Arab States (Qatar and Saudi Arabia) they are the ones who will bring about the death of multitudes. And it will be their bio-babes, not nukes, which will usher in the area of Mad Max for us lot - if the west don't do nutin' about it!


The Israeli foreign minister urged world leaders to operate in the same manner as Jordan, with similarly harsh measures, in an effort to “destroy and eradicate” terror. Excuse me, but hasn't Israel (usually, but not always, under pressure from Barry Obama & Co) released terrorists and done deals with Hamas etc? Let's rewind and start again with this: when capturing some terrorist types, get whatever info, then the bullet. But I forgot; we're for "human rights" for all; even if it means releasing Islam's SS types from Gitmo so they can have another go at killing us. If the Allies had conducted WW2 with the same degree of stupidity as the liberal tendency displays, we'd have either been dead or speaking German!


Jerusalem Post contributing editor Caroline Glick - whom I admire - has been explaining that the recent Washington Post leak revealing CIA cooperation with Israel in assassinating Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror-master Imad Mughniyeh in 2008 was meant to delegitimize Prime Minister Netanyahu. 
I'm not quite sure why that would be the case. It's not news that Mossad are up for a quicky if it serves Israel's security interests, and that's fine by me. However, I don't follow the logic of why it would "delegitimize" Bibi? When it comes to whacking some bad dude, whoever the Israeli PM is at that time, it would ultimately be their call; so I don't subscribe to it being a particular problem for Bibi that the CIA and Mossad did a duet. With a world of global terrorists' networking, Jihad jerk offs and other bombing malcontenters helping each other to bring Armageddon another week nearer, more than ever it's imperative for info to be shared. Therefore, weekly meetings and sharing of Intel regularly between the main western Intel agencies is the norm - USA, UK, French, German and Israeli being the main acts - but it's certainly by no means an exclusive club. If something is deemed of mutual interest in the landscape of intrigue it can even bring together the strangest one night stand imaginable. They'll both slope off together and after a quick rumba at the Spook Ball with some understanding reached, they'll say ta ta before first light of morning; and the respective press, politicians and population will never know of this necessary dalliance. 
Was it good for you, Agent X?


Europe and the church of whatever were always on the look out for so called witchcraft and it's practitioners. The old, strange and those deemed a ta ugly or anyone not as pure as a priest, was fair game for the fiery stake treatment...and the burning of the innocent - mostly women - went on for centuries. The west has a very short memory. During WW2 as the Nazis swept eastwards, it was costing the Third Reich far too much in bullets and time; so they and their all too eager henchmen would herd mostly Jewish, men, women and children into the largest wooden building in each village they came into, an set the building ablaze. As the media and politicians reach for their dictionary to outdo each other in outrage at Islamic State's latest atrocity, we in the west are still well ahead on points. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


A Syrian man has been thrown off a building in Raqqa by Islamic State psychos, for having a ‘homosexual affair’ as they put it. But as the poor retch survived the fall, he was stoned to death by a crowd! This is just one of the many outrages and atrocities being committed daily by the barbarians of Islam. Why many of the gay community hate Israel (Tel Aviv has one of the biggest annual gay festivals anywhere on the planet) and actually support the likes of Islamo-fascist Hamas - who would have their gay balls pickled in a jam jar - brings one to the conclusion that hate always trumps logic.
Hi. I'm gay Gordon and spend my summer hols in Gaza City.


Two American defense contractors were targeted by gunfire last Friday in Saudi Arabia, according to their employer, Vinnell Arabia, a firm which provides training for the Saudi National Guard. It’s the second time in recent months the contractor’s workers have been targeted, according to the AFP news agency. Some Saudi folk don't like infidels? What's new. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is in transition at the present time; from 7th century...well, to the 7th century.  A new monarch steps forth, King Salman, who's taking over form his late half-brother, King Abdullah, who died a week ago. Salman is a known hard liner, backer of Terror Inc. hates the West and the very idea of democracy turns his camel milk sour. On the up side, Salman should pop his camel clogs pretty soon, inasmuch as he's 79 and is far from ready for a 100 meter sprint in the mid day Saudi sun. In fact, in anticipation of his one way ticket to Allah-ville, Salman has already named his youngest half-brother Muqrin as Crown Prince to take over from him; as advised by Abdullah the Dead. An inbred monarchy is just what a forward looking nation needs!

Monday, February 2, 2015


On 26 January 2015 the former AP reporter Matti Friedman delivered the keynote speech at BICOM’s annual dinner in London. Expanding on a widely-noted argument first set out in Tablet and The Atlantic, Friedman spoke about how the media dissect and magnify Israel’s flaws while purposely erasing those of its enemies. He spoke about a fashionable and extravagant disgust for Israel among many in the West. 
Though not Jewish, I did spend a number of years in Israel. The vampires of anti-semitism - with the ongoing help of the liberal media - have for some years now felt it safe to rise from their maggot infested tombs and once more carry the cause of the forces of darkness. 

This has been an ongoing 3,000 year battle; but the sad part is that now these dark forces have every help from within Israeli society; with the likes of the Left and Haaretz newspaper playing their very useful idiot roles as the terminally bewildered!