Tuesday, February 3, 2015


A Syrian man has been thrown off a building in Raqqa by Islamic State psychos, for having a ‘homosexual affair’ as they put it. But as the poor retch survived the fall, he was stoned to death by a crowd! This is just one of the many outrages and atrocities being committed daily by the barbarians of Islam. Why many of the gay community hate Israel (Tel Aviv has one of the biggest annual gay festivals anywhere on the planet) and actually support the likes of Islamo-fascist Hamas - who would have their gay balls pickled in a jam jar - brings one to the conclusion that hate always trumps logic.
Hi. I'm gay Gordon and spend my summer hols in Gaza City.


Two American defense contractors were targeted by gunfire last Friday in Saudi Arabia, according to their employer, Vinnell Arabia, a firm which provides training for the Saudi National Guard. It’s the second time in recent months the contractor’s workers have been targeted, according to the AFP news agency. Some Saudi folk don't like infidels? What's new. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is in transition at the present time; from 7th century...well, to the 7th century.  A new monarch steps forth, King Salman, who's taking over form his late half-brother, King Abdullah, who died a week ago. Salman is a known hard liner, backer of Terror Inc. hates the West and the very idea of democracy turns his camel milk sour. On the up side, Salman should pop his camel clogs pretty soon, inasmuch as he's 79 and is far from ready for a 100 meter sprint in the mid day Saudi sun. In fact, in anticipation of his one way ticket to Allah-ville, Salman has already named his youngest half-brother Muqrin as Crown Prince to take over from him; as advised by Abdullah the Dead. An inbred monarchy is just what a forward looking nation needs!

Monday, February 2, 2015


On 26 January 2015 the former AP reporter Matti Friedman delivered the keynote speech at BICOM’s annual dinner in London. Expanding on a widely-noted argument first set out in Tablet and The Atlantic, Friedman spoke about how the media dissect and magnify Israel’s flaws while purposely erasing those of its enemies. He spoke about a fashionable and extravagant disgust for Israel among many in the West. 
Though not Jewish, I did spend a number of years in Israel. The vampires of anti-semitism - with the ongoing help of the liberal media - have for some years now felt it safe to rise from their maggot infested tombs and once more carry the cause of the forces of darkness. 

This has been an ongoing 3,000 year battle; but the sad part is that now these dark forces have every help from within Israeli society; with the likes of the Left and Haaretz newspaper playing their very useful idiot roles as the terminally bewildered!  

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Not to worry, big man; Obama and the Europeans still love us!
While Barry Obama hands the most dangerous nuke seekers a.k.a the mullah men of Iran, the Middle East on a platter, Egypt has officially banned Islamo-fascist Hamas. They of course are the Muslim Brotherhood's malignant off-spring; the very same Muslim Bros whom Barry backed and the very same Hamas that the EU currently want removed from their terror list! While most western politicians would benefit from a lobotomy, it takes the new/old army regime of Egypt to tackle Islam's Caliphate Crew. I well remember the New York Times being most upset that the democratically elected Muslim Bros had been booted from office. They of course were only concerned about the proper rule book being applied; they would have similarly squawked had the Germany generals squeezed the life from that odious jumped up corporal - who also won an election on a democratic vote. 
What the likes of the NYT and other liberals can never understand, is that there are occasions when those with a big telescope, will ironically, act in very undemocratic ways in order to prevent a greater evil. It's a grey, murky, dangerous and sometimes very dark earth you liberal folk. Those who pine to live in a world where lions and lambs frolic together, will first have to be dead.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


On Friday, the White House condemned Israeli plans to build 450 new "settler homes" in the West Bank (actually, it's Judea and Samaria; Bible check it) as "illegitimate and counterproductive." 
Bibi, the Israeli PM should point out to Barry the Faker that he's on rather shaky ground to be talking "illegitimate". Bibi could quite rightly hold a placard up to the White House trolls with this as content: When the U.S. honors every Treaty with Indigenous Native Americans that every past U.S. administration broke; allows Native Americans to return to their ancestral lands fully compensated; re-writes U.S. history with a smidgen of truth re ethnic cleansing, two timing deals and every dirty stunt pulled on Native Americans by his not so illustrious predecessors; all this before the PM of Israel need listen to any lecture concerning territorial rights! 
Mr President: we'll be left with a few swamps
and a bit of rocky stuff. I suggest we need to 
invade Mexico if we hand most of it back!
The Jewish people have a 3000 year old title deed to their little strip of land; where's yours Obama? 

Friday, January 30, 2015


 For the parents of the 100+ Pakistani school children whom the Taliban massacred but a few months ago, it must be very reassuring to hear how the U.S. President and his weasel word lackeys designate the Taliban: They are not a terrorist organisation, but use terrorist tactics. So I suppose Barry & Co will be saying next that Islamic State are not real terrorists, but just over zealous, misguided Muslim folk with attitude. There is something extraordinarily repelling, disgusting and immoral about the present U.S. administration in the PC way they twist and destroy language for their own political agenda.  What with the Bitch of Benghazi's poll numbers in good health, it makes one muse that most American voters (not unlike their European counter parts) should never be let lose near a ballot box. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


A Barry "hit" team have arrived in Israel . They are a sinister group of political operatives who's job it is to shaft the political opposition any which way; and on this particular mission, it's Benjamin Netanyahu. But since when has Israel become the 51st state, you may be thinking? It matters not to Barry's Bhoys. El Presidenti For Life as Barry would like to be, has his Dirty Tricks Inc. in the land of milk and honey, to go chew the balls off Bibi. They will be playing their part in the black arts of poisoning political wells; and if not enough dirt can be found in Bibi's back yard, they've as sure as shit brought a big bag of it from the Illinois School of Scally-Scams. You see folks, if anyone from Israel had dared to have taken an nibble from Barry's biscuit barrel on the run up to his re-election, the Dems' men in black would have gone broken a few political bones. I hope the Israelis go snap a goodly few of Barry's thugs! 
The guy on the left is in jail; the guy on the right fuckin' should be!