Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The shooting by Islamists at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, were murders waiting to happen. The French satirical weekly newspaper featuring cartoons, reports, polemics and jokes that take the piss out of Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, politics and culture - among other issues - is not something the mentality of Islam's supremest bastards can ever accept. The magazine showing them up as the degenerate 7th century death cult that they indeed are, was bound to be a truth too far for Islam's sensitivities. Fuck them!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


 An estimated 670,000 children in Syria are being deprived of education after Islamic State psychos ordered all schools closed in order for IS to introduce their own curriculum. Hence forth a school day for these most unfortunate children will look a bit like this: A sing-song to the death cult Messenger, then a bit of Infidel and Muslim slacker spotting, followed by it's fast-track-to-Allah video time!
Hey kids; why not surprise your mom and
dad by never comin' home again?
Q: There's around 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, so where in the fuck are the so called moderates? 
I'd have thought that at least 10 would be marching in the streets with placards saying: 

Monday, January 5, 2015


Ayatollah Khamenei controls $billions of ill gotten dollars by having his Islamist capos do his bidding. It's Khamenei's personal  robbin' hoodwinkin' empire, known to the financial suits of the world as SETAD: and it's holdings of real estate, corporate stakes and other assets total about $95 billion, Reuters has calculated. That estimate is based on an analysis of statements by Setad officials, data from the Tehran Stock Exchange and company websites, and information from the U.S. Treasury Department. 
Read the full story? Copy and paste this link:


Could the Arab oil era be coming to an end thus sliding their economies to dooms-ville along with mullah-vile Iran? Fact is, the time is coming when they won't have many spare spondoolies to keep funding Islam Terror Inc to the same extent. For decades, Europe has been the Gulf Arabs' batty boys because of black gold buying politicians, bribing companies, taking over the economy and gaining political power which was always used against Israel; but as Mr Zimmerman once sang, 'Times They Are  a-Changin'. Why so? Well for a start, the Yanks are about to become oil exporters! Yep, you read right; and with Canadian shale and totally mega good-crude finds in friendly, down under Oz, the Sheikhs-of-Shitsville could well be on their way to once more being the goat herdin' Jonnys they always were. Allah be praises!
Once I  had a palace, funded a Jihad or two
Now brother can you spare some Semtex...

(With apologies to: lyricist E. Y. "Yip" Harburg and composer Jay Gorney, "Brother, Can You Spare A Dime" ) 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Pali Brigade leader Abbas’s political/terror party a.k.a. Fatah the Fucks, had the image left - a mountain of Jewish skulls - on its Facebook page. By meer coincidence, the image just happened to coincide with the Islamic death cult crew's 50th anniversary. The idea that Fatah want to apply for membership of the International Criminal Court (so they can drag Israel there) is like the Nazis wanting to be in charge of the Nuremberg Trials!
What do you mean we're the ones on trial!

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Apple: what more can one say about it's clever marketing of fashion, plastic and chip. But all is not well on the pews. In the Church of Scientology Apple. Indeed, some of the long term faithful have finally awoken from their deep coma to discover that their super-dooper over priced product - the one they queued all week for when that newbie was arriving in the 5th ave Temple@NYC - is not really so kosher after all. The Apple-ites, having turned their brains back on, are actually thinking of suing the godhead over iPhone storage space. Seemingly, all is not what was promised; as if it ever is, dumbos. 
Here's to a gadget free Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


The U.N. vote has come and gone, pissing off the Pali Brigade more than a tad.  How did France vote in the U.N. song contest? A big fat zero as far as Israel were concerned. Unlike the U.K. there was not as much as semi quaver of abstention for the Jews  Why so, France? One reason is because France have so many allahu akbar rag-heads with their lets-burn-Paris agenda waiting to see which way the left of center chappy would vote in New York. So now French policy is dictated by mad mosque mullahs and their flock of fuck-heads? As good as. Moral at the *DST must be near free-fall as the current French government wear ever more white feathers. Islam's democracy wrecking, Caliphate contenders and their radical left allies must be stopped; any which way... 
Just another of Islam's ode to Satan!
*The Directorate for Surveillance of the Territory.