Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Yesterday, Islamist terror groups in the Gaza Strip fired over 150 rockets towards Israeli towns and cities, reaching farther into the country than ever before. Israeli Air Force jets and Navy ships bombarded Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets, putting the groups’ leadership in the cross-hairs. Obama - the Islamist friend and enabler - mantra to Israel, "show restraint". Fuck him. The Islamist entities in Gaza are just the same as the butchers in Syria and Iraq, only with 1000's of Iranian supplied rockets. And when will the sleepwalking West understand that we've got millions of Muslim Jihad sympathisers living amongst us?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


The Israeli technology start-up Silentium has unexpectedly received a $10 million investment from an unidentified Russian investment bank. But would you want to bubble your way from UK to Oz with a fish bowl sat on yer napper?


Why is the EU so gullible and are they a bit short of Muslims? A top European Union official - who's obviously supporting the fast track to Eurostan model - appealed to the EU's 28 member states on Monday to step up their efforts to resettle Syrian refugees, saying Europe must offer a legal alternative to migrants. And why is that, pray tell? Memo To Mr Cretin: Find a map of the Middle East.Their fellow Arabs occupy loads of sandy real estate on the Gulf, where there's zillions of swanky empty apartments aching to be turned into a slum. Then tell Qatar and the Saudi Terror Funders to divert a few dollars from their Murder Inc clients currently on Syria/Iraq duty, for refugee shopping at Mall Abdul; and finally, explain to the lazy assed goat heard Johnnies, that just for fucking once, be a smidgen responsible for their own self made disasters and carnage!

Monday, July 7, 2014


Pissed off at having to arrive hours before you need to at the airport and your undies scanned every few yards? Well let's do something that's bound to have the usual suspects screaming. It's called SCREENING! Because it ain't Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans or White Witches that are the plague on the planet; it's the Islam Exclusive Franchise Group. Below are just some of their business ventures to date:


Nothing has changed in the Palestinian agenda since that dead, scruffy weasel Arafat for once stated the truth. It's said that spaced repetition is the best way of keeping the message in front of the intended audience. It can work, but like all rules, it has it's exceptions: the liberal tendency, readers of Haaretz, NYT and similar. Even after all the evidence, they still cling to their Peace Now teddies. Now that surely counts as a cosmic mystery.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi aka The Big Bastard Butcher, broke wind and cover, telling his followers, 'we like killing'; which couldn't have been news to his ass kissing psycho clones. Still bellowing to those below, he continued his 15 minute rant, informing anyone who would stop shooting for a mo that, “Allah likes us to kill his enemies and make Jihad." And he, al-Baghdadi, further informed the audience, he's directly descended from the genocidal, child-loving perv, Mohammad. Yep, the Butcher of the Innocent certainly ticks every box; and I for one, totally and unreservedly believe the evil monster without any matching DNA.
This is the real face of Islam: Madder than a desert camel with rabies

Saturday, July 5, 2014


The  great faker and wife still have 2.4 years left to swing their wrecking ball across America. But with *Barry & Bareeta - his $100 million dollar professional vacation bitch - getting so unpopular, they might have to slop off to the Land of Eternal Wahhabi, before the official end of his regime. There, Barry can change his name to Baasim, (smiling in Arabic) with Bareeta to Bushra (meaning good news). Or if you're a Yank, the "good news" is that his spendthrift cow has now been burka-fied in that 7th century, Saudi, satanic Hole of Hell!  *Note: This is the name Obama used until he reverted to Barack