Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Here's yet another Muslim Myth shot down... 


Israeli exports of cyber-related products and services last year reached $3 billion; some 5 percent of the global market and more than all the other nations combined, apart from the United States! Itzik Ben-Israel, a retired major general who chaired a high-level task force said Israel aspires to 10 percent of the global market in less than five years. By then, "Markets and Markets", a Dallas-based research and consulting firm, estimates the global market to grow beyond $150 billion.

And then there's this...
Israel’s Como — formerly Conduit — has developed a do-it-yourself, mobile-app authoring platform, which lets anyone build their own app, without having to hire coders, programmers, or anyone else. 'We have over a million apps in our App Gallery, with 4,500 more created every day for iPhones, Android devices, Amazon Fire tablets, and other platforms. The feedback we have had from app users and the businesses creating the apps is fantastic,' said their CEO.  So much for the boycott BS from BDS! (Images: Copyright Control)

Monday, June 23, 2014


Remember way back, that old Soviet Union 5 year plan thingy? Well, the Caliphate Crew ISIS - currently trying to rent some apartments in Baghdad - have just published theirs. Europe and the US of A? You will both just have wait your turn.
Abdul. Let's all march along killing, while singing that old Lenny Cohen song that goes,
"First we take Manhattan,
Then we take Berlin"


(Image: Copyright Control)
Israel has been ranked Tier 1 for the third year in a row by the United States in its annual State Department’s 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report, published on Friday. The coveted #1 ranking, recognizes Israel’s efforts to reduce human trafficking and slavery within its borders and its acceptance and implementation of “minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.”


Israeli graduate student, Michael Brandwein, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has discovered a way to attack bacteria on food packaging. Using a novel packaging system to disrupt those bacteria, his invention has huge commercial potential. At present, bacterial bio-films are an ever-increasing problem in the food industry, especially for fresh produce. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that food-borne diseases cause an estimated 48 million illnesses each year in the United States alone, of which 45% are caused by bacteria.
(Image: Copyright Control)


(Image: Copyright Control)
Arab intellectual, Professor Fouad Ajami, persistent critic of radical Islam and Arab fanaticism, has died at the age of 68 in the USA. Professor Ajami's writings include some 400 essays on Arab and Islamic politics and US foreign policy. A Muslim voice of reason among the multitude of Islam's morons and their appeasers. The Prof will be sadly missed by all those who can spot the difference; which most certainly excludes Obama & Co!


Israeli hi-tech that ‘sees’ through walls could aid - and could already being used - in the current kidnapping of three young Israelis. The Camero-Tech’s system, allows security personnel to peer into closed rooms, basements, or bunkers with up to a meter thick concrete. The system shows the location of objects in a room, whether stationary or mobile, and can be deployed from as far as 20 meters away. Advanced algorithms translate the radar signals into 3D images, showing the relative positions of people inside a room and tracking them as they move around.
(Image: Copyright Control)