Friday, May 30, 2014


Yep. I'm offski, so no more BS from moi!
Jay Carney has thrown in the towel. Obama's mouth piece has had enough of lying for Team Obama and his first stop will be the confession box; and he better take more than a packed lunch to tide him through the weeks he'll be parked there.


Joe Garcia keeps bad company! Don't give him your vote!!!
"Emerge USA" is a Florida-based front organization whose unstated goal is to give radical Muslims a political voice in America; and United States Representative from Florida, Joe Garcia, is one of it's chums. Garcia has accepted thousands of dollars from Emerge for his 2014 reelection bid, and he has returned the favor by helping the group raise more money. So, isn't this how the Yanks do politics? But tarry there ye fair of the two co-chairmen of Emerge is South Florida attorney Khurrum Basir Wahid! And Wahid’s clients include: Rafiq Abdus Sabir, who received a 25 year prison sentence for conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaeda; al-Qaeda member Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was given a life sentence for plotting to assassinate George W. Bush; Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian, who is presently under house arrest in Virginia; and Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan, a Miami, Florida imam who was convicted of funneling tens of thousands of dollars to the Taliban for the express purpose of murdering American troops. So Joe G ain't just hanging out with any old dudes. Them are bad assed and anyone still with a mind to cast a vote in Joe's direction should first apply for a lobotomy.  Kick the bum OUT!


(Image: Copyright Control)
At a news conference, former Sex Pistols front man John Lydon was being heckled by the anti-Israel brigade. He shut them up with his retort, "I support the people of Israel 100%!


History shows that only force has ever prevented a nation from clandestinely building or acquiring nuclear weapons. Obama thinks he can strike a deal with Islamo-fascist Iran. Obama is a dangerous, naive plonker, but still the Obama Zombies chant his praises!


The European Union issued an astounding press release on Wednesday, May 28. At a time when a wide swath of it's members are in dire financial straits, the EU Commission boasted about it's latest €200 million infusion of cash into the corrupt and incompetent Palestinian Authority. Where does the dough mostly go? Blood money to the families of Islam's “martyrs” who died killing Israeli men, women and children and let's not forget the financial bounty to the imprisoned murderers of Jews. Who needed to vote neo-Nazi at the recent European Elections, when there's a stack of the fuckers in Brussels already! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014



Hillary Clinton For President? Don't be so friggin' naive! 
Q: Who were taken on to guard the American Consulate at Benghazi? 
A: The February 17 Martyrs Brigade, that's who were tasked with providing security for the consulate. 
Q: And just who are they Ms Clinton? 
A: The February 17 Martyrs Brigade are an Islamist militia affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The attackers firing off RPGs into the compound were members of Ansar Al Sharia, a spin-off of the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, associated with Al Qaeda. That's who were guarding the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
And no, Hillary Clinton didn't give that last answer, as she and Obama were too busy saving their lying asses, talking tripe about a video! 

Hillary For President? Yeah, if you want a lying bitch with blood on her hands!