Tuesday, May 20, 2014


(Image: Copyright Control)
Israel's main trading and business future is in Asia - not the U.S. or Europe - and with the beach-head well and truly secured, another four hundred Chinese and government officials are in Israel for a week of conferences, summits and business deals. Meanwhile,Tel Aviv University announced on Monday a partnership with Beijing’s Tsinghua University to invest $300 million to establish the XIN Research Center, intended to research early-stage and mature technologies in biotech, solar energy, water and environmental technologies.


With the radical Left in bed with radical Islam, now Holocaust denial assignments are being given out to American school children! Stealth jihad and Jew-hate have now entered U.S. public schools, financed by the usual suspects, with the tacit support of lefty teachers under the guise of "education".

Monday, May 19, 2014


Just in case there's any misunderstanding at places like the NYT and the White House, what Islam's agenda actually is, hear it direct from the camel's mouth.
Iranian Commander: 'Islamic Revolution Must be Global'! 
In a newly released video, IRGC Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari is seen speaking about the importance of spreading the Islamic Revolution all around the world. He calls for the toppling of the West, in particular Israel and the USA. Now...if there was a very loud flash and bang on a Yank aircraft carrier just off the coast of Iran and it sank, Obama would have his pet monkey James Carney announce at the news conference that it had collided with a shoal of jellyfish. (Photo: Copyright Control)
It had to be the jellyfish. No other possible explanation is viable.
Next question.



The Liberal tendency and the Obama regime are right in the fore front of the blame game. Never allowing facts to get in the way of a good prejudice, they have never grasped let alone understood, that even if Israel didn't exist, the Plague of Islam would still be doing what comes naturally to each other and us Infidels. 


The Nigerian president has disclosed that the war against the Islamist terror outfit Boko Haram has blown into a full scale war, which has now taken the lives of about 12,000 people. Hilary Clinton refused to designate Boko Haram - yet another Islamic death cult - a terrorist group when she was in post; even though everyone and their dog knew who these bastards were a couple of years ago. 
As for Mrs # tag Obama's plead to have the abducted schoolgirls returned; that should have been addressed to her jihad in-denial husband; for it's his policies of backing the very worst elements in Islam e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and turning a blind eye to radical Islam's financial backers in the Gulf States, that have given the global Islamist terror merchants the green light to carry on with their Jihad against anything not as fucking mad as them!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Muslim Quarter, Jerusalem.
Walking down the main road of one of Tel Aviv's main shopping avenues, something happens on your phone. It picks up an open Wi-Fi network and, when you click on, it connects directly through to the internet. No payment, no subscription, no password, no credit card. According to Tel Aviv mayor Ron Huldai, installing a free network demonstrates the city's aim of being a leader in innovation. But it doesn't stop there; whither in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem in an ancient shop called Sinjlawi, on a bus or any of the places you'd expect it to be, you'll find there's free Wi-Fi. This has a simple implication: for someone trying to start or run a business, travel no longer means downtime. (Image: Copyright Control)