Thursday, April 24, 2014


Bad news for everybody except Hamas?  Well, maybe not. For a start, that pigs ear of a peace process has been booted into the camel dung; as if it ever was a goer. And...the two headed snake coming together (yet again) are exposed for what the Pali Brigade have always been: Corrupt gangsters with an agenda of terror and would be genocide.                    (Write them here: islamisterror@gazacentral.bang )
No more, good cop, back cop, eh? 
Even that peace maker, the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin once said of the Palestinians : 'Break their bones'. And so it came to pass...


If Obama's boys and gals get their way - aka the *Federal Communications Commission - who sparked a very big controversy when their plans were leaked in a news report on Wednesday, then their dumb decisions will have major implications, not least new start-up companies. Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron called on the *FCC to pass “real” net neutrality rules. “With this proposal, the *FCC is aiding and abetting the largest ISPs in their efforts to destroy the open Internet,” he said by email. “Giving ISPs the green light to implement pay-for-priority schemes will be a disaster for startups, nonprofits and everyday Internet users who cannot afford these unnecessary tolls. These users will all be pushed onto the Internet dirt road, while deep pocketed Internet companies enjoy the benefits of the newly created fast lanes.”
(Image: Copyright Control)


(Image: Copyright Control)
In Little League Baseball more liberal tendency and PC crapology is coming to meddle. Now, every little Dawn and Derick will get a prize. Children should be exposed to loss and learn to cope with these feelings in a safe environment. For not always winning is a lesson better learned when young; and the real world has never been, or will be, a picnic and prizes for all kind of place.


While most large asteroids with the potential to destroy an entire country or continent have been detected (our planet has been hit by 26 asteroids since the year 2000) less than 10,000 of the more than a million dangerous asteroids with the potential to destroy an entire major metropolitan area have been found. "Because we don't know where or when the next major impact will occur, the only thing preventing a catastrophe from a "city-killer" sized asteroid has been blind luck," said a chirpy Dr. Ed Lu, as he headed off to his underground bunker...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Rival Palestinian factions - aka the Fucks of Fatah and the Islamist Psychos of Hamas - have announced a reconciliation deal, saying they will seek to form a unity government in the coming weeks. Yeah?
(Image: Copyright Control)
As long as we keep holding hands, then we
can't shot the shit out of each other


Tony Blair has had a road to Damascus moment and is now warning Western leaders that they must put aside their differences with Russia over Ukraine to focus on the threat of Islamic extremism. Jez, now with Tone having seen the light, there might be even some hope Obama's Denial Army might wake from their dangerous dozing!
(Image: Copyright Control)


The Islamist Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has issued a conciliatory message to Armenians on the eve of the anniversary - which was only the start of  massacres, forced marches and death camps of 1.5 million Armenians - which happened almost a century ago, by calling the "events" during World War I "our shared pain." What! There is "no shared pain"! It was you Islamist Turks who planned and executed the Armenian genocide; and your Islamist party of today is no fucking different! The Nazis were very interested as to how the Turks had run their death business and were greatly impressed. They of course, developed mass murder into an industry.