Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Israel has been preparing to produce the first components for the U.S.-origin Joint Strike Fighter. The state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries is working on production lines for the wing assembly of the F-35 fighter-jet. Israel has long produced wings for U.S. aircraft, which included the F-16 multi-role fighter as well as the T-38 air trainer. 
(Image:Copyright Control)


Obama, aka who-the-fuck-listens-to-him-anyway has warned Russia in a really tense call with Putin over that invasion thingy in Ukraine. Putin is said to have lost many a nights sleep and is getting oh so nervous...
after all, what might Obama do next...


Two men today appeared in court in the first British prosecution for female genital mutilation. Dr Dhanuson Dharmasena, 31, (photo left) registrar at Whittington Hospital in Archway, north London, has been charged with one count of an offence contrary to the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003. He will be tried alongside Hasan Mohamed, 40, (photo right) who faces charges of encouraging an offence of female genital mutilation, when the case is heard at London's Southwark Crown Court in May. If found guilty, how about that good ol' Islamic tradition of stoning for the pair of bastards! 


UK police have zeroed in on at least 25 schools in Birmingham, Britain's second largest city, to investigate a plot by Islamists to take over the curriculum. The probe into 'Operation Trojan Horse' by Islamist hardliners, came to light over the weekend and has been widened after Birmingham City Council said it had received over 200 reports in relation to inquiries it made to gauge the level of the Islamist influence. I'm not surprised nor should anyone be. Islam is right up front and honest about it's supremacist agenda for the West. Only Islam's apologists in the liberal media have their ass in the air and their thick heads in the sheep shit.


A mainstream U.S. Muslim Association has sanctioned female genital mutilation. According to the World Health Organization, more than 125 million Muslim girls and women alive today have been subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).The African Women’s Health Center report says that approximately 228,000 women and girls in the U.S. have either suffered the procedure or are at risk of having it done to them. Many of these young girls are subjected to FGM when they vacation in a Muslim country that sanctions the practice. But where are the lefty sisterhood? If it's the Flotilla to Hamas Central, Gaza they can't get their asses onto the boat quick enough; but on any real issue, their bongos are all but silent. How do the hypocritical, deluded fuckers live with themselves.
(Images: Copyright Control)

Monday, April 14, 2014


US envoy Indyk is flying into Israel to boost his air miles; or as the Obama Brigade would have it, try to save the "peace talks". Meanwhile the-partners-in-peace Palestinians are naming a park after one of their murdering terrorists! The park's name? "Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir Forest" Fatah founder, Abu Jihad (well there's a family name that will get you booted off a flight) is responsible for scores of Israeli deaths; men, women and children. Peace with Islam's Death Cult? Yeah, right.
This is what a cunt looks like.


Tel Aviv is soon set to become the world’s first city to have a mass-transit system based on the Maglev (magnetic levitation) technology. The SkyTran System will be comprised of two person pods that float down by means of overhead magnets. This electromagnetic mechanism ensures a virtually silent commute above bustling city streets, with zero emissions. The four-mile route, to be constructed during the coming year, will at first connect Tel Aviv University train station with Atidim high-tech park and take about 18 months to build. Further north, the coastal city of Netanya is thinking of following Tel Aviv's example.
(Image:Copyright Control)