Monday, February 3, 2014


Oxfam is supposed to be a non-political charity. So how come some of the Oxfam branches have been donating funds to the BDS, and this money is being used to demonize and attack Israel? If you want to support a charity that doesn't have a management that have six figure salaries and really really posh offices, please support The Salvation Army; which have the least overhead costs of ANY charity in the world, with 99% donated going to do exactly what it says on the can! Time to boycott Oxfam!


Is Hamas preparing for an imminent attack on Israel? Terror tossers Hamas have withdrawn its security forces that are responsible for preventing rocket fire into Israel. This is a tactic they use either when it suits them or they are getting ready to make trouble. Should they launch a serious attack, Israel to has stop doing all that tit-for-tat stuff. Hamas needs a good lesson; a lesson like making Gaza city pool table smooth....something that will make Iran's poodle, the Islamo-fascist Hezbollah, think about what to expect. (Image: Copyright Control)



Here's another one that'll launch your new nukes
Mr Rohani. Love and kisses from your
faithfully Kimmy
A North Korean ballistic missile was shipped to Iran with the help of Denmark's Danske Bank, which recently announced a boycott of Israeli banks. Danske Bank provided financial services to Tanchon, a North Korean company that sold ballistic missiles to Iran...but...but...Danske Bank DOESN'T do any business or ever has with any Israeli Banks, so why announce their boycott? No prizes for getting the right answer! 


That sly fox of Iran, Rouhani - aka Obama's newest friend - ordered the hangings last Monday of a poet and a human rights activist. Rouhani the "Moderate" was part of the team that planned the bombing of a Jewish Center in Argentina where dozens died and the main voice that launched his Islamist thugs on Iranian dissenting students, having them murdered in their dormitories. Rohani went to university in Glasgow, Scotland and was known by those who made it their business, as an evil, scheming, fanatical Islamist...and nothing has changed oh ye of Tribe Gullible!
Praise be to Allah that the infidel is as thick as a Koran.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


By 2018 - in spite of those loopies who would like to return us to the Stone Age - North America's energy supply should exceed demand; and the United States, Mexico, and Canada will be energy independent. This new found energy independence could unleash a new era of potential wealth and prosperity among the United States and all of North America. The Yanks might even make a start at reducing there $17,000,000,000 and counting deficit and should certainly cease their lickspittle ways with the oil sheikhs of Arabia!
(Image: Copyright Control)


The Superbowl: the big day when grossly overpaid beefy blokes in stretched Lycra, compete for early dementia. Then after years of body slamin', head banging activities their agents, feigning super surprise, sue the powers that be! 
Look, it's like this: if you took a blow torch to your tackle would you be surprised if yer nuts got roasted?
(Image: Copyright Control)