Thursday, January 23, 2014


That dangerous, devious, smooth talking sly fox of Iran, aka Rohani, has arrived at the economic forum in Davos and the cock sucking oil companies are leading the queue at his bedroom door. But we shouldn't be too surprised, as the Surrender-in-Chief Obama has given everyone the green light. The only people more dangerous for western democracies than the Iranian nuke wannabes, is the present American administration. (Image: Copyright Control)
What you degenerate Westies need are
 more Mullah run countries and 7th century Sharia Law.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Just a very small sample of things that were invented in Israel that the Boycott Israel toss pots must boycott; but being banner toting, hypocritical fuckers, I bet they don't! 

Telecommunications: Cell phone, camera phone chip technology, voicemail
Computer Technology: Intel Pentium Chips, Core components of MS Windows, XP and Vista, Firewall software (by the IDF); Google's search algorhtym (sp), the first instant messaging platform.
Humanatarian: Tsunami detection systems
Medical: Clear Light Acne treatment, Copayone treatments, Mirabel breast cancer detection, GiVen Pill Cam for GI imaging, Computerized Prescription systems
Agriculture: Drip irrigation systems.
Military applications: UZI machine Gun, Desert Eagle Pistol, pilotless drones, Conner Shot Rifle, Tavor (TAR-21) Assault Rifle, MARS optical laser sight


Israel's Shin Bet have uncovered a Global Jihad terror cell in Arab East Jerusalem that was directed from Islamo-fascist Hamas in Gaza. The plan was to fire at the bus's tires, thus allowing the terrorist to murder the bus's occupants at close range. Also, two suicide bombers were to attack other targets in Israel. These attacks were to be carried out by foreign terrorists disguised as tourists who would arrive in Israel with forged Russian documents. 
Jihad never sleeps...


Israel-based cyber security firm Aorato has received $10M in Series B funding. In a statement, Aorato Chief Executive Officer Idan Plotnik said, "The timing could not be more appropriate to launch Aorato into the cybersecurity market. 2013 showed the world the risks of advanced threats in parallel to the implications of insiders' access to sensitive corporate data. Both proved the need for a technology like Aorato to make a difference within the enterprise security posture." Ah, nothing like cyborg speak from a CEO. Translated I suppose it means: we're clever bastards, who can stop really bad bastards from nicking yer stuff! (Image: Copyright Control)
Actually, I'm after that last scrummy doughnut.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Israel is now working closely with the Egyptian authorities, permitting Egyptian Apache helicopters to circle overhead in Gaza City. The Egyptians are already active in the Sinai seeking out Islamist groups, so freaking out the terror entity Hamas who currently control the Gaza Strip, is the next big game in town. The Islamo-fascist Hamas - a clone of the Muslim Bros - now find themselves clutching at any old mullah's beard; desperately cosying up once more to the fuckers who run Iran, whom the Surrender-in-Chief Obama, actually trusts! (Photo: Copyright Control)
Jimmy Carter's guard of dishonor.


The Palestinian Policy Network Al-Shabaka is a think tank, launched in April 2010, dedicated to the principles of self-delusion. When not boasting about their BDS cred they eternally hound Palestinian businessmen on their co-ventures with Israeli businesses. If the politicians on both sides would just piss off for a year or so and let Palestinian and Israeli entrepreneurs and business folk get on with it, peace could have been achieved decades ago!
(Image: Copyright Control)


A Sunni group known as the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade are among Islam's loony tunes who are killing each other faster than a very thirsty man downing a cold pint of Guinness. Another group of Islamist head bangers are the Al-Nusra Front; a death cult Sunni outfit with a whiff of Al Qaeda who are mainly to be found in the murder mayhem of Syria. Claiming to be behind a car bomb attack earlier this month, Al-Nusra were leaving their calling card with Iran's professional psychos, aka Hezbollah and the boys of Al-Nusra are certainly up to the task they've set themselves. Islam's finest kicking the shit out of each other? That will do nicely.
Another big BOOM in Beirut, courtesy of Al-Nusra
(Image: Copyright Control, AP)