Wednesday, January 15, 2014


(Photo: Copyright Control)
While the Syrian Army is starving Palestinians to death, most of the western media are sitting on their biased bums. Truth is, if there ain't an anti-Israel angle they can fabricate, CNN, the BBC and others in the liberal media hypocrites' club, don't give a flying fuck!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


An al-Qaida linked group that has carried out attacks across the Middle East has vowed to target Iran and Hezbollah following the death of its leader in Lebanon. there anything as pleasant as the sound of Islamist rats railing against their own? To celebrate, I might even say a silent Allahu Akbar of my own during coffee break.
Sharp enough to cut each others cocks off?  You bet!


After crushing the Islamo-fascist Muslim Brotherhood at home, Egypt's military plan to take on the Bros' Palestinian off-spring, aka the terror tossers of Hamas. Given that Israel won't be involved, I wonder how many Hamas luvvies like Carter, the radical Left and the Gaza Flotilla will be sticking their heads out of their sewer to join the Hamas Defense Corp?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Even Abbas Says: 'Don’t boycott Israel,' which of course had all the usual suspects raging and behaving like a troop of Hezbollah head bangs. The Palestinian Authority president also told reporters while in South Africa, ‘We have relations with Israel.' I think Abbas might just have earned himself a fatwa from Islam's Psychos Inc.
More blood please, you bunch of girlies!


What do Richard Nixon and Barack Obama now have in common? Both have the lowest poll numbers of any modern day president and both are regarded even by dumbos as big time liars!


5,000 American Academics Boycott Israel!

“Rather than standing up for academic freedom and human rights by boycotting countries where professors are imprisoned for their views, the ASA chooses as its first-ever boycott to boycott Israel, the sole democracy in the Middle East, in which academics are free to say what they want, write what they want and research what they want,” But hey, we shouldn't be so surprised. In 1930's Germany,the academic community fell over themselves to join the Nazi Party! (Image: Copyright Control)

Sunday, December 15, 2013


A 58 year old man was arrested early Friday morning at the Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita, Kansas. The suspect, Terry Lee Loewen, believed he was about to die as a suicide bomber. He worked at the airport as an avionics technician and was arrested without incident, Al Qaeda & Co being his inspiration. The death cult crew of Islam: always an very appealing option for the bewildered and mentally challenged.
It was the promise of 72 virgins. As you see, I'm an
inadequate fuck wit.