Friday, November 22, 2013



The doctor who helped the United States track down al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been charged with murder! Not too surprising given that Obama was too busy taking curtain calls and did bugger all to help him! The Pakistani regime are top deceit dogs and chalk full of not-so-closet Islamist types. I'd sooner stick pins in my dick than trust any of the treacherous bastards!


(Image: Copyright Control)
Senior US General: America In Greatest Danger Since 1930's!
Lt.General Thomas G. McInerney was addressing the global security situation following the "EMPact" conference in Washington DC, in which analysts warned that the US is totally unprepared for an Iranian "Electromagnetic Pulse" attack.
"When you support America you support Israel. That's fundamental to our society, but we are facing the most dangerous threat that the United States has seen since the 1938-39 time frame and we do not realize it, the public does not realize it. We have an US administration that has an entirely different view about the world". The General urged the world to wake up to the Iranian nuclear threat which he fears may be allowed a free hand following deals in the ongoing Geneva conference.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


The New York Times apologizes for anti-Israel bias? Actually, no. The Liberals' Bible only apologized for one photo, not for the daily anti-Israel dross that passes for journalism.
The lip of truth shall be established for ever; but a lying tongue is but for a moment. (Proverbs 12:19)


Pope Pius XII greeting a fellow Roman Catholic. 
A New York based interfaith organization is trying to do the old whitewash routine about Pope Pius XII's controversial record, so the pesky Jews stop objecting to the Church declaring him a saint. After WW2, Nazi sympathisers in the Vatican organised the "Rat Run" whereby top Nazi war criminals were given new identities and passports that would allow them to escape to South America. Forces of darkness are still embedded within the Vatican establishment and unlike Pius, the current Pope Francis - who knows a thing or two about evil - is putting himself in very real danger on the course he has charted for the church... 


The assault took place on Monday at Copenhagen's central train station on Palestinian poet, Yahya Hassan who suffered a head injury. Hassan has been a vocal critic of Denmark's Muslim population over its refusal to integrate into Danish society. His poetry has earned a wide readership, his book "Yahya Hassan" having sold more than 17,000 copies since its October 17 publication. Ahram Online reports that according to industry sources, most poetry books in Denmark sell under 500 copies; but the book has also earned him numerous death threats from the usual suspects in Islam's death cult crew.
(Image: Copyright Control)