Wednesday, November 20, 2013


With the surrender monkeys lead by Obama, and a nuke deal with the Islamo-fascists of Iran just around the corner, the supreme leader of the newly "moderate" Iran kicked off another charm offensive on Wednesday. Spewing genocidal racism at Israel, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei aka His Satanic-ness, embarked on a deranged antisemitic rant, calling Israel "doomed to extinction." Meanwhile UK just call me Dave PM Cameron was first in the ass lickin' line. What a wanker he is! 
I can see the Israeli after burners glowing in the sky...
(Image: Copyright Control)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


The letter below was written by one Okhil Chandra Sen to the Sahibganj divisional railway office in 1909 and is on display at the Railway Museum in New Delhi. It reads as following: "I am arrive by passenger train Ahmedpur station and my belly is too much swelling with jackfruit. I am therefore went to privy. Just I doing the nuisance that guard making whistle blow for train to go off and I am running with 'lotah' in one hand and 'dhoti' in the next when I am fall over and expose all my shocking to man and female women on plateform. I am got leaved at Ahmedpur station. "This too much bad, if passenger go to make dung that dam guard not wait train five minutes for him. I am therefore pray your honour to make big fine on that guard for public sake. Otherwise I am making big report! to papers."  Quite right! Make that chap pay.
Now class, who's been eating jackfruit?


The directions in which the JFK conspiracy theories point reveal what they are trying to hide. John F. Kennedy was not murdered by a miasma of hatred on the right, but by hatred on the left. Before liberals became leftists, leftists had a propensity for killing liberals. And Lee Harvey Oswald was as far to the left as you could go! To understand why JFK died, you must understand the Weathermen and Leon Czolgosz who murdered President McKinley. You must understand the Atom Bomb Spies and Sacco and Vanzetti and a century of left-wing sabotage and terrorism in America. But’s much safer to talk about magic bullets, than magical thinking ideologies; which promise that a workers’ paradise is only a bomb away. (C) Daniel Greenfield.

Monday, November 18, 2013



Israel World Leader In Water Recycling.
(Images: Copyright Control)
“In Israel, we have reached the point where we are able to recycle about 90% of our waste water, and this is a model we are hoping to implement in all the places where we work. Water filtration is not the sexiest technology," said Amiad company CEO Arik Dayan, "but it is one of the most important." Amiad was one of the first and is now the biggest water technology company in the world, selling to around 180 countries.
Meanwhile, in a deal said to be worth around $345m, Apple has acquired the Israeli company PrimeSense, which developed the motion-tracking technology for the original Xbox 360 Kinect.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Global leadership is based on two things – power and credibility. The United States remains the most powerful actor in the world, but last week America's credibility went down the global toilet. The US under Obama has led the Iran Appeasement Charge right from the get-go. Iran can get it's nukes and Obama has scored 10 points in his agenda to (a) diss America's allies and (b) greatly diminish American influence around the world. It now rests with Israel to stop the Mad Mullahs nuke dreams, supported by some strange bedfellows: Saudi Arabia and Socialist France!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Obama's mentor and minister for 20 odd years (bottom photo, top right) that pariah of the pulpit the Rev. Wright, lost his health care today! And the well known anti-Semite blamed the Jews! 
Michelle Obama hanging out with
Farrakhan and some of the Nation of Islam crew.
Can't wait to hear what Obama's old mate *Farrakhan - leader of the black fascist Nation of Islam - has to say when his healthcare goes down the toilet! (*Farrakhan is banned from entering the UK.)