Saturday, November 16, 2013


White Supremacist Makes A Disturbing Discovery!

Calling American Craig Cobb a friggin' tosser is being polite, but recently his all white ass got a wee surprise. He submitted himself for a DNA test and Mr Racially Pure found out that he is in fact 14% sub-Saharan African! DNA has proven that every person on the planet's ancestors originally came out of Africa, you ignorant schmuck-o!


The Gaza Strip - run by the death cult crew Hamas - is full of corrupt millionaires, says a Palestinian Fatah official. Which is a bit rich, as that dead fat Fatah weasel Arafat, stashed away zillions of $$$$$$'s! Over the years, billions have been pored into the coffers of the worlds #1 Professional Bleaters, but most of it has wafted into the bank accounts of the Pali leadership. If the Palestinians were only half as good at making peace as they are running Tunnels,Terror & Corruption Inc. things could have been sorted decades ago!
Hey, we actually fooled all of the people, all of the time!


The liberal media and Obama supporters have for the past 5 years worshiped at the shrine of Obama. In Glasgow, Scotland we call the likes of Obama a fucking "chancer". People just had to check out his CV of odious friendships and associates to know that he was and is a dangerous fake. There once was a man in Germany who was rather good at mesmerizing the unthinking, uncritical and easily duped masses...
(Image: Copyright Control)

Friday, November 15, 2013


Islamist barbarians in Syria have apologized for mistakenly beheading another Islamist fruit and nut case. But how did they find out their tragic mistake? Was the head still bouncing around shouting that quaint old Islamo-fascist sound bite, Allahu Akbar?
Dear Santa, we thought it was an infidel. Honest. PS I need a new AK-47


A UN interpreter has been caught out telling the truth. The UN is like the Mecca & Lefty Show, where you've as much chance of hearing the truth uttered as meeting a a virgin in a brothel. The UN was doing their usual: adopting nine resolutions condemning Israel, and none addressing issues in other countries. Enter the hot mic: "I mean, I think when you have five statements, not five like a total of ten resolutions on Israel, there’s got to be something… C’est un peu trop, no? [It’s a bit much, no?] I mean I know it’s… yes… yes… it’s [inaudible] but it’s not the only… There’s other really bad shit happening. Nobody says anything about the other stuff."
Give the interpreter a medal,  move the out house of an organisation to Tehran.

(Image: Copyright Control)


Israeli researchers have found a new protein that could replace antibiotics and thus save our asses! Decades of over use and abuse of antibiotics (they load them into anything that clucks, goes baa or moo) have led to all of us being within a whisker of going the way of the dinos.  
(Image: Copyright Control)


Our thicko negotiators, lead by arch appeaser Clown Kerry are all still desperate to sign any old deal with Tehran's nuclear ayatollahs in which Islams 7th century criminals would get billions of dollars in lifted sanctions, and in return we in the West would get a fucking promise! And what's the Islamo-fascist promise? They'll develop their nukes a wee bit slower! The train wreck of Obama & Co. continues...