Sunday, November 3, 2013


Egypt is giving Obama the boot and looking for their military supplies from else where! Why so? Obama & Co backed the wrong camel, aka the Islamo-fascist Muslim Brotherhood. The Bros regime were given the bums rush and since that happy occasion, have been getting their 7th century Islamist collars felt big time. Meanwhile, the NSA saga continues, with the world awash with winging hypocrites in an never ending Outrage and Bluster Competition. Seemingly, the US has been steaming open their if THEY don't do the same!
Putin: You do know that I'll sell 'em the goodies?
Obama: Well, see if I care!

Thursday, October 31, 2013


In Iran, the theocratic Islamo-fascist government of the Ayatollahs and clerics are again seeing the flow of wealth and cash into their coffers. Why should this be? It's all thanks to Obama & Co loosening its policies on Tehran, as they see the sly, deceitful Fox of Iran, Rouhani as a "moderate"! Given a green light by the Surrender-in-Chief  Obama, the ruling Islamists in Iran are feeling very confident having received Obama's early Xmas pressie, so their street thugs are already ratcheting up the crackdown on minorities, opposition groups, along with political and human rights activists. Can Obama get any worse? Yep. It's now a given that the worst and most dangerous president the USA has ever had, will allow the Mad Mullahs to get their nukes!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Lewis Allan Reed was born in Brooklyn, NY into a middle-class Jewish family, had relations in Israel and visited the country a handful of times over the last two decades. In 2010, Reed made a short film called "Red Shirley" which was about his 99-year-old aunt Shirley Novick and her experiences fleeing Poland and the Nazis during World War II. She arrived in New York, found work as a seamstress and much later she would march in Washington in support of the civil rights movement. “I realized if I didn’t do this, a connection to a lot of things would be lost forever,” Reed told The Wall Street Journal in 2011. 
If you've got a track or two, play it LOUD!
A young Lou Reed with John Cale in the middle.


“Bird was kind of like the sun, giving off the energy we drew from him,” Max Roach said of the alto saxophonist Charlie Parker. The sun set early for Parker, who died at thirty-four of pneumonia on March 12, 1955. He spent his last few days in a suite at the Stanhope Hotel, NYC owned by the Baronness Nica de Koenigswarter, a Rothschild heiress who was well known for her patronage of jazz musicians. Can be purchased from Amazon.

(Image: Copyright Control)


If Al Qaeda and the rest of the Alluhu Akbar psychos didn't have their brains in their ass, they'd have come to realize that if they just sit in their caves for another 50 years, they will get their wish of Caliphate. How come? Because demographers are forecasting a Muslim majority in Russia by 2050, while Europe’s Muslim population is projected to hit 58 million by 2030. By 2050, the United Kingdom and France will have majority Muslim populations if current birth rates as well as immigration and welfare policies continue. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Saudi Arabia has the field to itself, being about the only country in the world where women are barred from just about everything including driving, but the issue is not to be treated frivolously or with sarcasm. Saudi cleric Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Lohaidan - located somewhere in the 7th century - said: “If a woman drives a car, that could have negative physiological impacts as functional and physiological medical studies show". He was explaining this theory to his fellow clerics, who like the Sheikh, have about as much cred in the medical department as the flat earth society have at NASA.

Monday, October 28, 2013


A senior Iranian negotiator was very upbeat on Monday about the chances of progress in the latest round of talks. With good reason, Team Iran is super confident about the eventual outcome of these "negotiations"; the West being political simpletons who will swallow any swill that the not-so-mad Mullah Men dish out. An Iranian nuke built and wrapped up by Xmas? Well Obama won't stop 'em cookin' a nuke, so I guess it will be left for Israel to be the Tehran party pooper. (Image: Copyright Control)