Saturday, October 26, 2013


Keep your hand off my ass, elephant boy.
The Three Stooges singing that ol' time favorite tune: "Together We'll Fuck-Up America"
(Image: Copyright Control)

Friday, October 25, 2013


Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are pressuring Israel to remove all IDF soldiers from the Jordan valley, otherwise Abbas and the Palestinian Authority will walk away from the peace talks. Obama is planning on blaming Israel for the failure of the peace talks if Israel doesn't endanger itself by giving away the Jordan Valley to the Palestinian Authority. The so called peace talks are a friggin' farce and Obama's a busted flush, so Israel should tell Obama and that Palestinian crook Abbas to piss off!
Between us we'll screw Israel yet, my friend.


(Images: Copyright Control)
Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb in as little as a month, according the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), considered one of the United States' top nuclear experts. ISIS made the estimate in a new report published on Thursday by USA Today.
Wake me only when they've dropped it some wheres...

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Karima Bennoune is the talented writer of "Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here". She follows a familiar enough formula from countless other books about the region, but she is taking her readers beyond Malala territory and showing them Muslim women who reject the Hijab and Muslim men who reject much of what passes for Islamic law, as she guides Western college students and others into rejecting the Islamist narrative. Karima Bennoune’s "Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here" not only challenges the fatwas of Islam, but also the politically correct fatwas of the Western left. Her book can be found at Amazon.


A Palestinian mag for children has an essay in it which expresses admiration for Hitler because he killed Jews – an act presented as benefiting all of humanity. In the essay, Hitler says to a Palestinian girl in her dream: “I killed them [the Jews] so you would all know that they are a nation which spreads destruction all over the world.” Daily, the Palestinian media, TV and their school books rant their Islamo-fascist bile. There is no peace to be had with these second rate Nazis. EVER!


Brunei To Implement Strict Islamic Law!
Draconian new laws including lashes for drinking alcohol, stoning for adultery and amputations for theft will bring yet another Arab country back to the future. As for womans' rights under Sharia Law? Yeah, as if!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


(Images: Copyright Control)
The Kuwaiti publication Al Jarida quoted “a senior source in Jerusalem” who said on Wednesday that Israeli fighter aircraft two days ago bombed a truck carrying very advanced missiles along the Lebanon-Syria border. The truck was en route to Iran's Shiite terror poodle, Hezbollah.