Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Geneva Conference Moves Toward Criminalizing “Islamophobia”!
(Image: Copyright Control)
The Islamists and their radical Left toadies are serious. The OIC has launched a campaign to provide disinformation to the public, delinking all of Islam from any undesirable traits; such as their agenda for world domination with more than a wiff of the 7th century. Their agenda is to make it a crime to criticize the Death Cult Crew and it's various exploits in any way at all...oh and Obama is very much in their corner! Has the dime not dropped about this guy yet?


Call him an toss-pot narcissist or a conspiracy theorist clown, but Mark Dice has proven that there are ordinary Americans willing to sign their names and list their birthdays on a petition to support a Nazi state! Dice, trying to keep a straight face, signed up passers-by in San Diego for a “Nazi-style Orwellian police state…to keep the community safe” in the good ol’ US of A. In the past, Dice has signed up people to grant President Barack Obama immunity for all crimes he supposedly has committed, such as adding birth control drugs to the water supply. One thing it does show - not that it's any surprise - there are a whole bunch of scary thickos who are allowed a vote! (Image: Copyright Control)
It says here that folk not as intelligent as moi...

Monday, October 21, 2013


Oh Al baby, you're the man!
Al Sharpton shown here with Obama, is one of the greatest race hoaxers and divisive demagogues of the last half-century. Sharpton is the man whose anti-Semitic language helped stoke the flames of the 1991 Crown Heights riots that resulted in the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum; he is the man whose incitements against a white owned store in Harlem ended with one of his followers torching Freddie’s Fashion Mart, causing a fire that killed eight people; he is a liar who falsely accused a district attorney and five other innocent men of raping 15-year-old Tawana Brawley and he was the leader of the lynch mob that smeared the innocent Duke lacrosse players. (Image: Copyright Control)


A taxpayer-funded Muslim school in England run by Islamic fundamentalists, has been exposed for operating according to Islamic Sharia law and now has been condemned by government inspectors as being “dysfunctional” and “in chaos.” Ofsted, the official agency for inspecting British schools, launched an urgent investigation into the Al-Madinah School in Derby (an industrial city in central England) after it emerged that Islamic fundamentalists were running the school. The revelations about the very un-British goings-on at the Al-Madinah School — the working conditions at the school have been compared to “being in Pakistan” — have fueled outrage over what some are calling underhanded attempts to establish a parallel Islamic education system in Britain.  When you allow the loony tunes to take over the asylum, what do you bloody well expect! Stop sleepwalking UK, Europe, USA et al.
(Image: Copyright Control)


(Image: Copyright Control)
The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) is about to receive its first Bedouin tank commander. While about 1,000 Bedouin Arabs already serve in the IDF, most of them serving as trackers, or in the Bedouin reconaissance battalion, Cpl. Mustafa Tabash will become the first Bedouin tank commander. About one in nine Bedouin muslim men serve in the IDF.


(Image: Copyright Control)
Deadly Attack Outside Cairo Church Wedding
An eight-year-old girl was among three victims of an Islamist shooting in just the latest attack targeting Egypt's Coptic Christians. Egypt's Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi said in a statement on Monday that the attack on Sunday night was a "callous and criminal act." The latest number of terror attacks - not counting the casualties - committed world wide by the religion of peace, now currently stands at: 21,765 since 9/11.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


The Committee to Protect Journalists released a special report this week titled "The Obama Administration and the Press" that outlines the aggressive tactics employed by Obama to stifle free press. “This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said David E. Sanger, veteran chief Washington correspondent of The New York Times.
Cross me? You'll wish you hadn't...