Wednesday, October 16, 2013


There was an upbeat atmosphere as Iran and 5+1 started their meeting; Iran in it's usual feet dragging role while conning gullible,Western wishful thinkers at the nuclear talks in Geneva. Like lambs to the slaughter, the Iranian shepherd of deceit leads the more than willing EU and Yanks to another Chamberlain moment. The West deserves to be Islamified such is their collective stupidity. Just when we need a Churchill instead we have this crop of useless, appeasing, apologist clowns "negotiating". Strewth!

Did you here this one? In Iran, a UN nuke inspector goes for
 a coffee and while he's off out...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


The U.S. Airline Pilots Association is warning that terrorists are practicing dry runs to carry out a mega-terror attack right under the eyes of federal marshals! One marshal told a Florida media outlet that the Transportation Security Administration is “lying” when it says it takes all reports of suspicious activity aboard aircraft seriously. “They’re liars. They’re flat out liars,” he said, explaining that federal officials are hiding the truth.
Federal marshal exercise.


Two new extremist Islamist foxes have been warmly welcomed into U.S. chicken coop. They are two of the most over-promoted and sinister figures involved with the Obama led government: Mohamed Elibiary and Dalia Mogahed. If you were one of those Christian Copts in Egypt, standing in the ruins of your village or church, what message would you take from all this? Something like: Obama's favorite Muslims are always from the Dept of Radical Islam!
So...just who's side IS Obama really on?

Monday, October 14, 2013


Azerbaijan is a Muslim nation - 90% Muslim - yet has full diplomatic relations with Israel. How come? Easy. Unlike the Middle East, it hasn't allowed any radical Islamist nutters anywhere near the driving wheel! So why does Obama hitch his wagon to the radical Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood? You may well ask... 
Baku, Azerbaijan which is twined with Haifa, Israel


Sunday, October 13, 2013


Israeli Thriller "Big Bad Wolves" Is Best Film Of The Year!
(Image: Copyright Control)
In this 2013 thriller, a series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a collision course: The father of the latest victim now out for revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a police blunder. I'm more a Bambi guy, but click on the trailer below, you go see it when it comes your way and decide.


A ‘terror tunnel’ has been discovered running from Gaza to Israel. The subterranean passage, some 2.5 kilometers long, was likely to be used for attack or kidnapping. It doesn't sound like the security folk use this already but if not they should use this technology that has proved highly successful in archaeology. A geophysical survey is a ground-based physical sensing technique used for archaeological imaging or mapping and it sure as hell would have found this tunnel! And few daisy cutters dropped on the Hamas bastards side of the fence from time to time could be just the ticket!
Electrical resistance map of ancient Aphrodisias

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Abbas: 'Israel to blame for dire state of Palestinian economy.' Just the usual load of tosh you expect to hear from the planet's professional bleaters. It is very well documented that over the years, billions of dollars from the US, EU and Arab Gulf states have pored into the coffers of the Palestinian entity Fatah/PLO, intended of course to benefit the Palestinian people; but very little of the money ever reached the intended programs. Instead, most of it found it's way into the private bank accounts of these corrupt, political Palestinian crooks. That fat dead weasel Arafat was a multi millionaire times over and rest of Fatah's political gang of thugs, continue to follow in his slime-ball rip off ways!