Friday, October 11, 2013


Peter Higgs discovered he had won the Nobel Prize in Physics - God particle and all that - when a woman stopped her car in the street and called to congratulate him. The retired theoretical physicist who worked and lives in Edinburgh, Scotland had been out enjoying his lunch of soup, draught beer and sea trout. A good choice, Prof!
Which means that it's still a big bloody mystery;
and my lunch and I are made of the same stuff!


A well known pro-Israel activist Aryeh King, is running for Jerusalem city council in the upcoming elections, representing Jerusalem’s periphery neighborhoods, including the one he lives in. So what? The thing is, he could get most of the Arab vote! King said that most of the Jerusalem’s Arabs want to remain under Israeli sovereignty and that his party “United Jerusalem” will fight to make sure it stays that way. Middle East politics is never anything the Yanks or Europe will ever understand!
King on left speaking to a potential Arab voter.


And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to...well given that they have handed out this gong to the likes of Obama, Arafat and the European Union it should be no surprise that they got it very wrong once again! Anyone who has listened to Malala Yousafzai knows to whom the award should have gone.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


In a recent poll, 2/3rds of Israelis think Obama pathetic and don't trust him. In the U.S. 75% of the Jewish vote went to Obama. Like slicing salami, year by year Israel is becoming increasing irrelevant to them according to a recent Pew poll. The majority have never visited Israel and are well on the way to become yet another lost tribe. Ironically, over the past 30 years, support for Israel from Christian communities world wide has dramatically increased and has never been stronger, as a recent conference in Jerusalem with 1,300 delegates showed. It is estimated there are now around 100 million pro-Israel Christians from various denominations.
(Image: Copyright |Control)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Let's cut to the chase: Just Default! Most Americans seem to think they are still living in the great decade of the 1950's. No debt, ruling the world roost with only better times ahead. Wakey, wakey, dysfunctioning Washington! You've got close to $17 trillion debt !!! ($7 trillion added in just 5 years by Obama). Both political parties, most of their respective followers and the U.S. media seem oblivious - in what passes as serious discussion of the issues - to the notion of deckchairs on the Titanic. The U.S. really needs a massive fiscal shock; and only by defaulting might it finally shake it awake from it's 50's myth parade. A diet of too many Hollywood films have given many Americans - 40% of whom don't have a passport and have never been outside the U.S. - an invincible image of themselves. America needs to get real now; or in 20 years this once great nation could sadly, be just that.
(Image: Copyright Control)


UK Foreign Secretary William Hague yesterday told the House of Commons that tentative steps are being taken towards the possible restoration of diplomatic ties with Iran. Eh? What's changed with Islam's wannabe Nuke Reich? Hague has as much brains as he has hair. Indeed, the EU and Obama's America are pushing each other out of the way to ass kiss that devious, bearded murder merchant.
Hi their fans; just back from mugging the West again!