Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It all started with a bang, but the universe may not be expanding after all! Christof Wetterich, a theoretical physicist at the University of Heidelberg, has produced a paper theorising that the universe is not expanding, but the mass of all of its particles are instead increasing. Writing in Nature News, Jon Cartwright explains: “The big bang stretches out in the past over an essentially infinite period of time therefore the current cosmos could be static or even beginning to contract.” Wetterich’s paper has not yet been peer reviewed but has been received with both interest and scepticism by other cosmologists in the field (The Independent).
Well, that's fucked my plagiarised essay. 


For nearly two decades we have heard over and over from the apologists like the BBC, UK Guardian and NYT that Islam is a “religion of peace” and that neo-jihadist violence is a “distortion” of Islamic theology. Whereas Winston Churchill wrote of Islam: “That religion, which above all others was founded and propagated by the sword––the tenets and principles of which are instinct with incentives to slaughter and which in three continents has produced fighting breeds of men­­––stimulates a wild and merciless fanaticism.” Nailed it, Winnie!
(Photo: Copyright Control)
Click this link to get the facts:  http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

Monday, August 12, 2013


Al Qaeda is the principle culprit in Muslim on Muslim murder mayhem. Its Jordanian founder, Ahmad Fadil al Khalayilah, (better known as Abu Musaib al Zarqawi) was known inside al Qaeda by his other nickname, al Gharib, or “the stranger,” because his sectarian views were extreme even among other Islamist nutters in the death cult crew. Indeed, Zarqawi elevated violence against the Shia of Iraq to levels not seen in the last two centuries! Still...as long as the mad bastards are killing each other, who the fuck cares?
(Photo: Copyright Control)


'Confidence Building' Measures: Israel to Release Murderer of Holocaust Survivor and 25 Other Terrorists. 'This shows us the character of the US president and his messengers, and what these negotiations are worth'.
(Photo: Copyright Control)


Saturday, August 10, 2013


Did you hear that? Sounded like a Democrat taking a leak in Montana. 
The Republican Party likes to wrap themselves in the flag and think of themselves as top Homeland Security folks. If so, why then have they got their GOP knickers in a twist over the NSA?  Most of them don't seem to have a clue as to why it's such a necessary tool in Intel gathering. Paranoid or what!

Friday, August 9, 2013


Mr Allahu Akbar from that peace loving religion...
Radical Turkish muslims are to build a $100 Million mosque just outside Washington DC. They belong to the same Saudi brand of 7th century Muslim thinking - I use the term very loosely - know as Wahhabism; which spawned the mind set of Al Qaeda and nearly every other Islamist plague on the planet. Super...just what the U.S. needs. Yet another of their supremacist flag ships to intolerance. PS. just try building a church etc in THEIR back yard!


Terror-Haven Latin American Countries Bash NSA.
The basket cases of Lefty Latinos don't like the U.S. keeping an ear on their Islamist luv-ins. So friggin' what! Fact: Venezuela in particular is a legitimate target for U.S. electronic surveillance because of its government’s extensive ties to Iran and its terrorist proxy Hezbollah. Argentina and Brazil have also served as breeding grounds for Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations. So do cease your Latin wailing just because your tango's been tumbled! (Map: Copyright Control)