Wednesday, August 7, 2013


 Israeli girl left, Syrian right.
They are spirited across the forbidden border from the mayhem in Syrian to be treated in Israeli hospitals where the identity of the patients is closely guarded so they will not be in danger when they return to Syria. Israeli soldiers sit outside the wards where the adults are to protect them from prying journalists. But doctors granted access to the children in the closed intensive care wing, on the condition that no details that could compromise their safety were published. Like many Israeli hospitals, this one serves a mixed population of Israelis and Arabs; its staff includes Arabic-speaking doctors, nurses and social workers. (Photo: Copyright Control)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Hillary Clinton ordered reduced security at Benghazi even AFTER earlier attacks on Benghazi! Her signature is on the papers. Hillary Clinton isn't a "rock star". She's a corrupt, incompetent, dishonest politician with blood on her hands.
(Copyright Control)


A new book on the early years of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band asserts that the Boss fell in love with a Israeli violinist who briefly played in his band, and that she at least partially inspired one of the songs on what is widely regarded as his greatest album, “Born to Run.” Singer, songwriter, actress, screenwriter and multi-award-winning author Suki Lahav played violin and sang with the E Street Band in the early 1970s, when her then-husband Louis was Springsteen’s sound engineer at 914 Sound Studios in Blauvelt, New York. The young Israeli musician was born on Kibbutz Ayelet HaShahar in Upper Galilee.
(Photo: Copyright Control)


The BDS Movement has reached a point of desperation. Some examples of their lying BS machine: When singer Lenny Kravitz cancelled a trip to Israel last year, BDS activists hailed it as a victory. He said that was bollocks and is planning to visit Israel asap. Sylvester Stallone, Claude Van Damme, and Bruce Willis cancelled a planned appearance in Israel last year, BDS advocates rejoiced. But the actors' cancellation was due to the death of Stallone's son, Sage, and had nothing at all to do with BDS - in fact, Stallone and Willis had both signed a statement of support for Israel along with Danny De Vito, Serena Williams, Nicole Kidman, Michael Douglas, and dozens of other celebrities. Oh..and Bono has financial interests in Israel, so suck on that you fuckers!
Bono meeting the politician Livni in Israel.

WOT? ONLY 79%!!!

In a recent poll, 79% of Israelis when asked about the possible outcome of the so called peace process thought of snowballs...but what of the other 21%? What school of bewilderment are they still attending?
(Copyright Control)

Monday, August 5, 2013


The White House has extended an olive branch to Iran's new president Rouhani and the Obama administration will be 'willing partner' if moderate cleric leads Iran in meeting 'international obligations'. Only Obama & Co and the likes of the dumbos at the UK Guardian, NYT and BBC would swoon over this Islamo-fascist thug. He's just a smooth, cunning as a fox version of his predecessor in The Land of the Borg, namely, Genocide Joe. Go learn about this piece of shit, dreamers! Rouhani, as the head of the High Council for War Support, was deeply involved with the regime’s effort to eliminate its opponents and the 1988 mass execution of many thousands of political prisoners as ordered by then-supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Some "moderate".
(Copyright Control)


Egypt has ditched Turkey's Islamo-fascist Prime Minister Erdogan’s latest attempt to show his love for Hamas by visiting Gaza, the Egyptian Youm7 website reported. The military that threw out and then arrested Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi is busy staging an open war against the Brotherhood and its odious Palestinian death cult crew offspring Hamas. The Muslim Brotherhood - who Obama would love to reinstate - created this beast in the image of themselves, decades ago.
(Copyright Control)