Tuesday, July 30, 2013


BDS THUGS THREATENED TO KILL PAUL MCCARTNEY FOR PLAYING ISRAEL and now Mr "House Of The Rising Sun" aka Eric Burdon has been continually threatened by emails, tweets etc after the BDS Storm Troopers found out he also was going to play Israel. Mr Burdon's last pronouncement a few hours ago was that he IS still intending to go to the gig. Each morning, the BDS take a bowel blaster laxative (well, they're so full of shit) put on their digital bovver boots, and threaten anyone not singing along to the same Nazi theme tune as themselves. I'd say fuck 'em forever if I wasn't against swearing.
(Photo: Copyright Control)



U.S. SECRETARY KERRY: 'Good morning, everybody. Well, as you all know, it"s taken many hours and many trips to make possible the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations'...blah,blah,blah. Meanwhile on real street, Hamas terrorists fired a rocket Tuesday morning from Gaza into southern Israel, as "peace talks" began in Washington. Oh...and Meir Dagan, the former head of the Mossad - Israel's intelligence agency - said in an interview published Tuesday that the negotiations vis-a-vis the Palestinian Authority (PA) were "poorly handled and therefore do not have much chance of succeeding." Which is a polite and diplomatic way of saying that Clown Kerry hasn't a friggin' clue!
(Copyright Control)


Those still believing that any peace can be the outcome of Israel and the Palestinians meeting, should just spend 3 minutes viewing the video below. The last minute is a role call in English (and an education for most folk) as to who these "martyrs" are. Among the "martyr" heroes is non other than arch war criminal, Hitler's chum and mass murderer, Amin Al-Husseini! Click this link to read all about this particular fucker:

Monday, July 29, 2013

TWIN A7734

Satanic Degeneracy? By first gassing their parents, then doing medical experiments on their children, the Nazis take first place in the all time league of evil...
(Copyright Control)


Israel has agreed to release some of the most odious murderers of children, women and men, all for what pray tell? The Arabs can't make peace with themselves (100,000 dead in Syria to date) let alone Israel. There is NO peace to be had with the Palestinians: PLO/Fatah/Hamas et al until they outgrow - if ever- their 7th century, death cult mentality.

Friday, July 26, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)
The Egyptian state prosecutor has ordered that ousted Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi - Obama's favorite Muslim fascist - be held for questioning for 15 days on suspicion of working with Hamas to attack and kill Egyptian security personnel. Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, having been formed in the 1980s from Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations in Gaza.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Anti-Israel musician, Roger just-another-prick-in-the-wall Waters is at it yet again. This time with a giant balloon pig bearing the Star of David. The pig-shaped balloon was released during a concert last week in Belgium.The Simon Weisenthal Center blasted Rogers over his latest stunt. "By floating a pig balloon stamped with the Star of David at his concert, Roger Waters has moved to the front of the line of anti-Semites." (Photo: Copyright Control)