Monday, July 29, 2013


Israel has agreed to release some of the most odious murderers of children, women and men, all for what pray tell? The Arabs can't make peace with themselves (100,000 dead in Syria to date) let alone Israel. There is NO peace to be had with the Palestinians: PLO/Fatah/Hamas et al until they outgrow - if ever- their 7th century, death cult mentality.

Friday, July 26, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)
The Egyptian state prosecutor has ordered that ousted Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi - Obama's favorite Muslim fascist - be held for questioning for 15 days on suspicion of working with Hamas to attack and kill Egyptian security personnel. Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, having been formed in the 1980s from Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations in Gaza.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Anti-Israel musician, Roger just-another-prick-in-the-wall Waters is at it yet again. This time with a giant balloon pig bearing the Star of David. The pig-shaped balloon was released during a concert last week in Belgium.The Simon Weisenthal Center blasted Rogers over his latest stunt. "By floating a pig balloon stamped with the Star of David at his concert, Roger Waters has moved to the front of the line of anti-Semites." (Photo: Copyright Control)


At a ceremony in Havana last week UNESCO (U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) honored Che Guevara by enshrining his writings in its hallowed “Memory of the World Register.” But not far from where this UNESCO/Guevara ceremony took place Cubans were being starved and beaten in torture chambers - 16,000 murdered in Guevara's time alone - for the crime of quoting the UN Declaration of Human Rights in public. The regime honored by UNESCO last week also holds the honor, according to the Paris-based “Reporters Without Borders,” of jailing and torturing the most journalists per capita on earth. Quote from Che Guevara: “My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any surrendered enemy that falls in my hands! We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm!” This passage, by the way, comes from the very works enshrined and honored by UNESCO last week. (C) Humberto Fontova. (Photo: Copyright Control)


The two star Demo wankers, Weiner & Spitzer are leading the polls! If either of these two toss-pots get to the starting line for bigger things (more especially the former) then you could put up a stuffed parrot marked Democrat and the sheep would still vote for it.
You'd better be a friggin' Democrat...
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


General Carter Ham, the general over US forces in Africa at the time, who had direct knowledge and was involved during the Benghazi attack, has come forward in testimony and has made it clear that within hours, Obama, Clinton and Co most definitely knew that the attacks had nothing to do with the YouTube videos — it was an attack, not some protest. Why did they continually blatantly lie? Because the re-election of Obama was much more important than bodies and truth. Hillary Clinton, standing in front of the caskets of the dead of Benghazi, lying to the relatives' faces is the immoral compass that the Obama administration continues to use in all it's dealings.They are truly disgusting human beings!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The neighborhood watch volunteer aka George Zimmerman came out of hiding last week, to help rescue a family of four trapped in an overturned SUV, ABC News reports. The Sanford Police Department said the 29-year-old was one of two men who helped the family trapped inside their overturned Ford Explorer at the intersection of I-4 and route 417 in Florida on Thursday evening. It is Zimmerman's first known public sighting since the verdict was announced on July 13, when on hearing, all the usual suspects went ape-shit on being denied a lynching.