Monday, July 22, 2013


Say, doc; I've had 10 nose jobs
but still the bastard thing keeps
It has been reported that Obama met with the top IRS lawyer behind the attacks on pro-Israel and Conservative groups, two days before they wrote new targeting criteria. This is the smoking gun. This was not an "accident". This was an illegal use of the IRS as a political weapon! Worthy of Impeachment? Tricky Dicky got it in the neck for much less.


Islamist Rioters Set Paris Ablaze Over French Ban On Islamic Veil.
(Photo: Copyright Control)
Two years ago the French, quite rightly, told Muslim communities to "if in Rome do as Romans do" but they don't, and won't. Muslim full-face veils have been banned from all public places in France but now some of the men folk are getting their 7th century heads cracked for car burning etc because the French police are enforcing the law. Needless to say the radical Left and other rag-tag Islamist luvvies aka "The Collective Against *Islamophobia In France" released a statement complaining of "provocation" by the police during the identity checks. It's not "provocation" you prats to be enforcing the law of the land!
*Islamophobia was a word first invented by the PR department of the Muslim Brotherhood. 


(Photo: Copyright Control)
The 92 year old anti-Semite Helen from Hell aka Helen Thomas was a White House correspondent who once told the Israelis to 'go back to Poland!' the land of Auschwitz - then cackled with laughter. Obama and the Clintons were all praise and pontificating about the witch bitch; which tells you everything you need to know about where these three are morally located! May the cackling cow rotate forever in the crematoriums of the Dark One...

Saturday, July 20, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)
Audrea Gause, 26 and living in Troy, New York was arrested on Friday for taking $480,000 from the One Fund; the charity set up to help the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. She is being charged with larceny in the state of Massachusetts. No doubt the liberal tendency will be out supporting her with such gems as she came from a very bad background and doesn't no what she's doing...but wait a mo, she's already pulled the amnesia stunt! Fact is, may people are brought up in dire homes, but still mange to turn out decent human beings. She's just a shit bag. Period. 

Friday, July 19, 2013


Jackson, Sharpton and Holder: what a fucking trio of tossers...speaking of which, is Sharpton glad handing Holder?
You know you're lovin' it, Eric!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


In the 503 days between Trayvon Martin dying and the Zimmerman verdict, 10,865 African Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans! Pause a moment and reflect on that figure. This outrageous figure, resulting mostly from the ongoing inner city warfare that the liberal media almost totally ignores. Why? Because it's not PC to deal with this deadly truth. Over the years, billions upon billions of dollars have been poured into inner city initiatives but most have just turn to dust. Why? Because it's not just about poverty and flinging more money at the problem; it's really about turning around failed values and changing a mentality. In America, personal accountability isn't a phrase that often falls from the lips of black community leaders; welfare as a way of life, blaming everything and anyone for failure is more their mantra. Making a choice and having the will to change begins from within, whither you be black, white or orange; it doesn't come from government or some political party.
(Photo: Copyright Control)


(Photo: Copyright Control)
A Pakistani Taliban leader sends a letter to schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai (photo) expressing shock that the teenage campaigner was shot by Taliban gunmen last year. "Shock". Total BS from these 7th century Islamist bastards! It's their policy to deny education to woman, burn schools, and kill those who dare stand up against them. Only the likes of the BBC would print some crap about the Taliban letter being "extraordinary". Even the Taliban are not averse to PR, you prats!