Thursday, July 4, 2013


It should be no surprise that it's mostly secular Egyptians - those who hated Obama & Co's love affair with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood - that with Morsi gone, he Obama, has now become the target for their abuse. Will Obama learn anything from backing the wrong camel? Pigs might fly.
(Copyright Control)


The Muslim Brotherhood, who have just been given the order of the boot have been showing their real face in Syria over the past few months. The Morsi thugs are really Islamo terrorists when let out of their kennel; among other atrocities, they killed an innocent mother just for drinking a beer. Not only was this woman murdered, but she was strung up by her feet in the street and a sign was posted asking pedestrians to spit on her dead body. Instead of the usual suspects wringing their hands about Morsi and Co being removed from office, just think of how the world might have looked if Hitler - who was likewise elected to power through the democratic process - had been removed when it became obvious (as if it wasn't before hand) what the Nazis were. The Muslim Brotherhood have a similar agenda, and they had already set in motion the political means to take absolute power and crush and kill any opposition to them. Click below and see their Nazi links.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


OBAMA BACKED THE WRONG GUY, THE ISLAMO-FASCIST MORSI. NOW HE'S BEEN GIVEN THE OLD HEAVE HO! 20 million plus people understood what Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood really are - aka an Islamist entity who were hell bent on turning Egypt into a 7th century Sharia Law hell hole - but Obama & Co never understood this! Now Obama should learn something from this: clear out the White House of every Islamist front group like CAIR that has his ear and send them all packing!


Arm The "Rebels"? Don't Be So Friggin' Stupid!
Syrian Islamists are now implementing Shariah Law - the 7th century, full blown version - over many areas in Syria. For Christians who refused to convert there's only two choices: they can leave behind all their property or be slain. The word that was used for the latter in Arabic (dhabaha) refers to the ritual slaughter of sacrificial animals. OBAMA BACKED THE ISLAMO-FASCIST MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IN EGYPT WHO ESSENTIALLY HAVE THE VERY SAME AGENDA! Even if Obama really were Muslim, what more could he possibly do to empower the mad men of radical Islam?

(Cartoons: Copyright Control)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Archaeologists say they have found the remains of the Biblical Israelites' Tabernacle at the site of ancient Shilo. The Tabernacle precedes the Temples and dates to the period of Joshua and the rise of King David. According to a report in the Israeli press archaeologists will display their findings this week at the Shilo site in Samaria. (Photo: Copyright Control)


“The Metropolitan police have now taken on the responsibility of enforcing the borders of Shariah Law-controlled zones, applying the rules laid down by the Islamic inhabitants.” Meanwhile....Vladimir Putin who, in an address to the Duma on February 4, 2013, stated: “In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if they want to live in Russia should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law; we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We better learn from the suicidal policies of the UK, America, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation.” (Photo: Copyright Control)

Monday, July 1, 2013


Here's how it goes; first, let's make around 11 million illegals legal, then we'll finish the border fence! How did this shambles come about? Through the years, both Republicans and Democrats did little more than zilch about doing the bleedin' obvious! Thankfully, most Islamist tossers so far haven't figured out the simplest way to enter the USA. Jumping on a bus from Mexico dressed like a chap from a certain well known hamburger joint. (Photos: Copyright Control)