Saturday, May 4, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)


(Photo: Copyright Control)
An Indian Navy group comprising four vessels deployed in the Mediterranean Sea visited the Israeli port of Haifa last week, as the two countries celebrate 20 years of diplomatic ties this year. Also, for the first time a Russian navel vessel docked in Israel. The Azov (photo) is one of six Russian naval vessels deployed to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Friday, May 3, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)
The Pentagon has redesigned its biggest "bunker buster" bomb with more advanced features intended to enable it to destroy Iran's most heavily fortified and defended nuclear site. The new version of the weapon also includes changes to the guidance system to improve precision. U.S. officials say precision is important because, if the U.S. decides to strike Iran, the Air Force may need to drop more than one MOP on the exact same spot to thoroughly destroy Fordow. The idea is to create a crater with the first strike and then send other bombs through the same hole to reach greater depths.


(Western Wall: Photo Copyright Control)

While the Arabs in Gaza, Judah and Samaria, are claiming Jerusalem as their capital, it is interesting to note some actual facts instead of their collection of manufactured myths: 
Fact (1) Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people since the reign of King David; that's almost 3000 years. 
(2) Jerusalem has NEVER been the capital of any Arab, Muslim or so called "Palestinian"entity. Indeed, Mohammad never set foot in Jerusalem.
(3) Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran! Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times in the Old Testament.
Islam: Getting It Wrong, Again!


This week, Obama's poodle Secretary of State John Kerry enthusiastically welcomed a proposal by the Arab League, led by Qatar’s prime minister Sheik Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani. The proposal calls for Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, which were characterized as indefensible by two major American military studies and dubbed the “Auschwitz borders” by former dovish Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban. Qatar—a prime terror backer of radical Sunni movements—is of course a strange champion of “peace.” Last October the Emir of Qatar visited Gaza and promised major financial aid to Hamas—committed by its charter to Israel’s destruction and officially designated a terrorist organization by the United States. This week the Wall Street Journal reported on Qatar’s active support for a Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Syria.'ve found just the chap to listen to, Clown Kerry!


30 of the 31 men on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list are Muslim. While the New York Times dispatched its best and brightest lackeys to Boston to write sensitive pieces on how hard it was for the two Muslim Boston bombers to find a pair of pants to fit, or to feel like home in a non Islamist paradise, it fell to a UK tabloid to conduct an interview with the ex-girlfriend of the lead terrorist and learn what a misogynist shit he was. That he wanted her to hate America and beat her senseless because she wouldn’t wear blackout curtains - better known as Hijab - and walk three paces behind his Islamist ass. In Europe, editors risk their lives to publish Mohammad cartoons and the truth about the Islamification of Europe. Americans like to think of their press as freer, but it’s liberal media is only free in the sense that it voluntarily puts on its own muzzle.