Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today this friggin' horror story Hagel could be confirmed as US Secretary of Defense. Like his master Obama, he wants Jerusalem divided and Israel forced back to indefensible borders. Just who the hell are the Americans to tell anyone what to do? Given that through genocide against the then indigenous population and wars against Mexico - started by America to expand their "empire" was how the "land of the free" was mostly accomplished. Obama and Co should be told to go fuck themselves! (Photo: Copyright Control)
Together, Chuck we'll do what the Arabs have failed to do.
Allahu Akbar! er, I mean Allah be praised!

Monday, February 25, 2013


Pope Alters Rules On Successor’s Election!
The new rules will exclude from voting on a new Pope if any Cardinal has been suspected of: any gay thoughts or activity; female fondling after confession; being non believers or having a poster of Jimmy Savile. That will leave, oh about 9 who can actually vote.


The reason why the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is doomed can be summed up in a few words above.
Palestinian terrorism is a strategic weapon of disruption that confines and unbalances Israel. At a cost of only a few millions dollars, the sponsors of that terror have inflicted billions in economic damage on Israel. And there is no reason for them to stop. Watching Israel and America try to reason with their attack dogs amuses them and allows them to expand their own influence by offering to act as "mediators".
Left to right: Fatah, Qatar, Hamas toss-pots.
(Photo: Copyright Control)


Erdoğan says:Assad a ‘mute devil’ for not defying Israel. So gobbles the Islamist Turkish prime minister while calling on world leaders to speak out against Syrian president for his crimes against his people. And the Islamist tosser should know a thing or two about "crimes against people" given that the Muslim Turks murdered 1.5 million Christian Armenians; a genocide which they are still in denial about. He should just shut the fuck up!
Muslim Turk's Genocide of Christian Armenians        


Cuban leader Raúl Castro announced on Sunday he would step down from power after his second term as president ends in 2018. So friggin' what. The Lefty totalitarians much loved by Sean Penn and other Hollywood prats, have been running their police state since before the Yanks landed a man on the moon. If ordinary Cubans had been given a free vote and the opportunity, they'd have taken some piano wire and hung the Castor twosome by the goolies years ago!
(Copyright Control)

Sunday, February 24, 2013


The European Union have done a "Chamberlain" so won't recognize Hezbullah as a terrorist organization. And now the USA could have a Secretary of Defense that treats Islamist terrorist as freedom fighters! I guess that must also include those who attacked the twin towers? Muslim women are treated like dog doo doo, Christian Copts in Egypt are terrorised and their Churches burned to the ground by the Muslim Brotherhood while Europe is fast becoming Eurostan; a predictable outcome of doing squit to curb the growing radical Muslim sentiment mostly because of Lefty government sympathizers.
(Photos: Copyright Control)

ISLAMISTS ARE JUST NAZIS WITHOUT THE JACKBOOTS!...and if you don't understand this, we're fucked!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I'm just like my Islamist brothers and sisters in the
 Death Cult Crew. 
George Galloway, a Saddam sycophant and radical Lefty, vehemently anti-Israel and firm supporter of Islamo-fascist Hamas, stormed out of a debate at Oxford University on Wednesday night after learning that his opponent was Israeli. Galloway is not your usual Lefty thug. He's articulate. He's also a pompous, prize odious prat however you dress the Islamist lick spital up!