Thursday, February 21, 2013


Chuck Hagel: Another Obama Train Wreck In The Making!
Hagel has been hiding the ball on his speeches and funding sources. A slew of Republicans who witnessed his hearing performance found him to be unfit for duty. A number found his testimony about his Global Zero proposal to be disingenuous. Democratic commentators confessed Hagel’s confirmation was a train wreck. Kick the Obama hand picked tosser into touch!


Al Qaeda and its affiliates are running all over North Africa and the Middle East; approximately 70,000 Syrians are dead in a civil war exploited by Iran, Russia and Islamist Jihadists. Egypt is an economic basket case, ruled by an increasingly unpopular authoritarian Islamist regime, while Iran is getting ever closer to achieving its nuclear arms ambitions...and what is Kerry's agenda? In his debut speech as Secretary of State it was: (1) Foreign Investment (2) Global Warming Action! With a world getting weighed down with Islamic jihad and totalitarian danger, Kerry picks those two top of the poppers. Yet another Obama balloon!
John Kerry: As much use as a glass eye.


Renowned Harvard legal professor Alan Dershowitz wrote a letter to the Miami Herald last week in which he called Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga of Honduras a "notorious anti-Semite". Quoting many of the statements of the Cardinal - who has refused to withdraw any of them - and given that Cardinal Maradiaga is on a short list, if he were to become Pope, Dan Brown will have another best seller in the making and once more the Catholic church will have it's Seat of Satan rep confirmed!
(Copyright Control)


Michael Moore: The lefty, Islamo-fascist butt licker was wringing has pudgy little hands over some Pali film maker who got his collar felt at LA Airport. Boo-Hoo! And shouldn't he have his big house full of rag-tag OWS tossers, given that he has their mentality? What a tube this wanker is!
(Photos: Copyright Control)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The GOP have just discovered this new word. The Republicans are currently holding a gravitas contest among themselves on TV as they are very pissed off about Obama's lack of " drone transparency"; the Pres having fired off more drones in a week than George W-ya did in a month of Sundays. So let's have the Republicans with transparency flaps on their breeches. For stamped on nearly every bare ass would be "LOBBY ME! FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE, LIFT TRANSPARENCY FLAP AND DEPOSIT A FAT WAD OF USED DOLLAR BILLS IN THE APPROPRIATE BOX"!


New Armageddon Scenario!
A Fermilab theoretical physicist suggests that qualities of the "God particle" show an "alternate" universe could easily "spread out and destroy us. The universe wants to be in a different state, so eventually to realize that, a little bubble of what you might think of as an alternate universe will appear somewhere, and it will spread out and destroy us." Basically, Mr Lykken the Doomster says that our universe could easily be slapped out by another universe. However, he also said that if it does happen, it will happen at the speed of light -- which means it will be so fast we won't even realize it. So do book that vacation and max out on the credit card for "tomorrow never knows"...
(Copyright Control)


A reporter braving the -20F cold among global warming protesters, asked those attending the "Forward On Climate" Rally what they though of Al Gore's sale of Current TV to the Gulf Arab fossil fuel-funded al Jazeera. The weather simpletons - wearing smiles and a look in their eyes like new recruits for WACO - had either never heard of the sale or didn't regard it as a tad hypocritical. And these weather balloons are going to save the planet? Given these placard holding specimens, it makes you wonder if some of the human race ever developed further than pond life.
(Copyright Control)