Monday, January 28, 2013


You may not have been hearing much about Hamas rockets and Palestinian terrorism. But it’s not for lack of the bastards trying! Israel’s Shin Bet (domestic security agency) has released its figures for 2012. It says it thwarted 100 “serious” terror attacks over the year, a third of them planned kidnappings, four of them attempted suicide bombings. Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress has been withholding $450 million in aid, while not surprisingly, the Obama administration wants it to free up the money, but Congress keeps refusing. Why? Israel and Congress’s insistence on exacting a price on Abbas. It lets the PA know that it is no longer outside the normal human cost-benefit calculus, with Israel indefinitely propping it up and the U.S. continuing to funnel it political and financial support no matter how it conducts itself.
Pali pus.


Egypt's Islamo-fascist President Mohammed Morsi, yesterday declared a state of emergency in three cities following a weekend of violence and protests against his rule, which have reportedly resulted in around fifty deaths. Egypt's economy is now a basket case with tourism - once a main stay - all but vanished. You can rent a camel cheaper than the price of a kebab and get another one free to carry your iPad. A Syrian type civil war can't be too far off. ALLAHU AKBAR!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Was someone being naughty and having a fly smoke in the kazi? Israel, which has been at the forefront of efforts to thwart Iran’s drive to the bomb, refused to comment. The report was published Friday on the website, under the headline: “Sabotage! Key Iranian nuclear facility hit” It claimed that a blast deep within Fordo last Monday “destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground,” citing information from former intelligence officer Hamidreza Zakeri, who it said used to work with the Islamic regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and National Security. The article claimed the blast “shook facilities within a radius of three miles,” that Iranian security forces had “enforced a no-traffic radius of 15 miles,” that the Tehran-Qom highway was shut down for several hours after the blast. On Friday, an Iranian diplomat who defected in Norway in 2010 warned that if the Iranians got the bomb they would use it against Israel.
Fordo plant, Iran
(Photo: Copyright Control)


The U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told journalists at a briefing on Friday that the Obama administration will return to its goal. And what is that goal? To pressure Israel to work towards a two-state solution that would result in a PA state that could push Israel back to the INDEFENSIBLE 1949 Armistice Line (known WRONGLY worldwide as the "1967 borders") and would include the re-division of Israel"s capital and Judaism"s holiest city, Jerusalem. 
Memo to Israel's new Prime Minister. TELL OBAMA & CO, GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Western Wall is a remnant of the retaining wall built by Herod the Great in the 1st century BC, to encompass the Second Temple enclosure


For the first time in history, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Academy Award-winning Holocaust documentary has been broadcast to Iran with Farsi subtitles. "Genocide," a Holocaust film that won the best documentary feature Oscar in 1982, aired on Iran"s NTV Simay Azadi on Friday, as well as on satellite broadcasts and streaming online. The film is narrated by Elizabeth Taylor and Orson Welles, and was aired in an effort to combat the rampant Holocaust denial emanating from the Iranian regime.
Auschwitz, which was liberated by Soviet troops, January 27, 1945.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)
Cows fed flaxseed produce more nutritious dairy products. In fact, according to a recent study, dairy cows fed up to seven percent of their daily diet in flaxseed – about six pounds – produced milk with lower amounts of saturated fat and higher concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids. Which is great! Yes...but do they fart less, more or louder? No results as yet, but I'll keep you posted.


If you've read about how modern cosmology may imply that, in an infinite universe, the existence of planets and the life forms that live on them must be repeated an infinite number of times, you may have been just a little bit excited, that out there, could exist an hell off a lot of "you". But wait! A chap named Alfonseca explained to this easy-peasy thingy:"If there is an infinite number of possible histories, the fact that there is a given history (or a finite number) leading to life does not make that history probable: its probability would be 1 divided by infinity, which is zero,"
Got it? you're not likely to bump into a much more acceptable version of yourself any time soon, don't flog off the exercise bike.
Now...which one's mine?